FTTB Fiber to The Building 光纤到楼 FTTC Fiber to The Curb 光纤到路边 FTTH Fiber to The Home 光纤到家 FTTO Fiber to The Office 光纤到办公室 FSA Fiber to the Serving Area 光纤到服务区…
ubuntu 13.10 从官方文档http://www.mono-project.com/Mod_mono 可看到 Mod_Mono is an Apache 2.0/2.2/2.4.3 module that provides ASP.NET support for the web's favorite server, Apache. 运行环境是Mod_Mono以module方式载入到Apache里, 另外参考文中链接ubuntu文档:https://help.ubuntu.com/comm…
catalog . What is Firewall . Detecting the WAF . Different Types of Encoding Bypass . Bypass本质 1. What is Firewall Firewall is a security system which controls the traffic between a Network, Server or an Application. There are both Software and Hardw…
目前常用的几种移动拨号的VPN技术及优势和劣势1) WEB SSL优点:1.使用简单:每个终端用户不需要安装客户端,使用起来方便,不需要维护终端用户,通过IE直接来访问.2.安全性高,细粒度安全控制.能控制到应用程序,支持按用户分配接入权限和访问权限.特别适合合作伙伴之间的互联.每个终端不需要分配IP地址,不产生虚拟网卡. 缺点:1.不适合大规模网络.每一台服务器,每一个应用,都需要单独授权.当网络资源非常多的时候,配置和管理会异常复杂.对于大量校内资源和校外数字图…
实验C----NFA转换为DFA Time Limit: 1000ms, Special Time Limit:2500ms, Memory Limit:65536KB Total submit users: 74, Accepted users: 58 Problem 13120 : Special judge Problem description 有限状态自动机(FSM "finite state machine" 或者FSA "finite state automat…
主要代码 /**@brief Function for handling the Application's BLE Stack events. * * @param[in] p_ble_evt Bluetooth stack event. */ static void on_ble_evt(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt) { switch (p_ble_evt->header.evt_id) { case BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED: m_conn_handle…