
Summer Homework CodeForces - 316E3 By the age of three Smart Beaver mastered all arithmetic operations and got this summer homework from the amazed teacher: You are given a sequence of integers a1, a2, ..., an. Your task is to perform on it mconsecut…
题目大意 给定一个n个数的数列,m个操作,有三种操作: \(1\ x\ v\) 将\(a_x\)的值修改成v $2\ l\ r\ $ 求 \(\sum_{i=l}^r x_i*f_{i-l}\) 其中对于\(f\)数组 \(f_0=1\ ,f_1=1\ ,f_i=f_{i-1}+f_{i-2}\) (就是斐波那契数列) $3\ l\ r\ x\ $ 让\(a_i+x,i\in[l,r]\) 其中$n\le 100000,m\le 100000$ 一看这个题QwQ,就知道是线段树题 QwQ那么怎么…