Ultimate Guide to Line For Business (May 2019) By Iaroslav Kudritskiy February 4, 2019 No Comments If you're interested in the Japanese market, this is the guide for you. The Line app is a messaging app created in Japan for Japanese people. Since Lin…
Ultimate Guide to WeChat for Business 2019 By Iaroslav Kudritskiy (source :https://rocketbots.io/blog/ultimate-wechat-official-account-for-business-guide) This is the guide for you if you're interested in the Chinese market. Companies all over are in…
By Iaroslav Kudritskiy (Source: https://rocketbots.io/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-whatsapp-business-app ) This is the one we’ve all been waiting for, WhatsApp for Business. Thousands of people & companies out there are already using their personal Wha…
Android Build System Ultimate Guide April 8,2013 Lately, Android Open Source Project has gone through various changes. For instance, Since JB Google decided to replace bluez bluetooth stack with an open source stack implemented by Broadcom claiming t…
Magento 2 Theme Ultimate Guide - 如何创建Magento 2主题基础指南 在Magento 2中管理和设置主题的方式有很多改进.Magento 1.9中引入的theme.xml定义文件和新的回退系统的使用是两个最重要的改进.Magento 2中的后备系统与Magento 1.x的工作方式类似,但是具有额外的优势,您可以选择无限的父主题继承/后退到 全部通过主题中的theme.xml文件. 假设您想基于新的Magento“Blank”主题创建一个全新的主题.首先,您…
12 Best Live Chat Software for Small Business Compared (2019)     Did you know that more than 67% of users on eCommerce websites abandon their shopping carts without checking out? Customers want their questions to be answered instantly, and any uncer…
What is AngularJS? Angular is a client-side MVC/MVVM framework built in JavaScript, essential for modern single page web applications (and even websites). This post is a full end to end crash course from my experiences, advice and best practices I've…
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w http://blog.jobbole.com/25576/?utm_source=blog.jobbole.com&utm_medium=relatedPosts https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/06/the-ultimate-guide-to-a-b-testing/…