vulkan asynchronous compute】的更多相关文章 https://gpu…
oeip 相关功能只能运行在window平台,想移植到android平台,暂时选择vulkan做为图像处理,主要一是里面有单独的计算管线且支持好,二是熟悉下最新的渲染技术思路. 这个 demo(git地址) 的功能很简单,在android下,,利用vulkan的compute shader对输入图进行1-x的运行后,把计算结果复制到当前交换链里正在渲染的图像上显示出来. 本文主要记录其中一些过程,因为第一次尝试类似开发,所以有误的地方欢迎大家指出. 前期准备工作主要如下,VSCode C++环境…
先放demo源码地址: 06_mediaplayer 效果图: 主要几个点: 用ffmpeg打开rtmp流. 使用vulkan Compute shader处理yuv420P/yuv422P数据格式成rgba. 初始化android surface为vulkan的交换链,把如上结果复制到交换链上显示. 如果是opengles surface,如何不通过CPU直接把数据从vulkan复制到opengles里. 这个demo主要是为了验证…
目录 13.1 本篇概述 13.1.1 本篇内容 13.1.2 概念总览 13.1.3 现代图形API特点 13.2 设备上下文 13.2.1 启动流程 13.2.2 Device 13.2.3 Swapchain 13.3 管线资源 13.3.1 Command 13.3.2 Render Pass 13.3.3 Texture, Shader 13.3.4 Shader Binding 13.3.5 Heap, Buffer 13.3.6 Fence, Barrier, Semaphore…
项目github地址: aoce 我是去年年底才知道有GPUImage这个项目,以前也一直没有在移动平台开发过,但是我在win平台有编写一个类似的项目oeip(不要关注了,所有功能都移植或快移植到aoce里了),移动平台是大势所趋,开始是想着把oeip移植到android平台上,后面发现不现实,就直接重开项目,从头开始,从Vulkan到CMake,再到GPUImage,开发主力平台也从Visual Studio 2017换到VSCode了,这也算是前半年的总结了. Vulkan移植GPUImag…
Consolidate multiple tasks or operations into a single computational unit. This pattern can increase compute resource utilization, and reduce the costs and management overhead associated with performing compute processing in cloud-hosted applications…
Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning ICML 2016 深度强化学习最近被人发现貌似不太稳定,有人提出很多改善的方法,这些方法有很多共同的 idea:一个 online 的 agent 碰到的观察到的数据序列是非静态的,然后就是,online的 RL 更新是强烈相关的.通过将 agent 的数据存储在一个 experience replay 单元中,数据可以从不同的时间步骤上,批处理或者随机采样.这种方法可以降低 non-st…
操作系统:Windows8.1 显卡:Nivida GTX965M 开发工具:Visual Studio 2017 Setup 在我们完成管线的创建工作,我们接下来需要告诉Vulkan渲染时候使用的framebuffer帧缓冲区附件相关信息.我们需要指定多少个颜色和深度缓冲区将会被使用,指定多少个采样器及如何在整个渲染操作中处理它们.所有的这些信息都被封装在一个叫做render pass的对象中,我们新添加一个createRenderPass函数.在initVulkan函数中确保createGr…
操作系统:Windows8.1 显卡:Nivida GTX965M 开发工具:Visual Studio 2017 诸如绘制和内存操作相关命令,在Vulkan中不是通过函数直接调用的.我们需要在命令缓冲区对象中记录我们期望的任何操作.这样做的优点是可以提前在多线程中完成所有绘制命令先关的装配工作,并在主线程循环结构中通知Vulkan执行具体的命令. Command pools 我们在使用任何command buffers之前需要创建命令对象池command pool.Command pools管…
操作系统:Windows8.1 显卡:Nivida GTX965M 开发工具:Visual Studio 2017 Introduction 应用程序现在已经可以渲染纹理3D模型,但是 vertices 顶点和 indices 索引数组中的几何体不是很有趣.在本章节我们扩展程序,从实际的模型文件冲加载顶点和索引数据,并使图形卡实际做一些工作. 许多图形API系列教程中让读者在这样的章节中编写自己的OBJ加载程序.这样做的问题是任何有趣的3D应用程序很快需要某种功能,但是该文件格式不支持,比如骨骼…
Posted by Shiv Kumar on 23rd February, 2011 The Asynchronous Programming Model (or APM) has been around since .NET 1.1 and is still (as of .NET 4.0) the best/recommended solution for asynchronous I/O. Many people go down the route of using a multi-th…
Lately I've received several questions along the lines of the following, which I typically summarize as "async over sync": In my library, I have a method "public T Foo();".  I'm considering exposing an asynchronous method that would si… ============================================================================= ISO7816 (part 1-3) asynchronous smartcard information ================================================================…
[译]Vulkan教程(33)多重采样 Multisampling 多重采样 Introduction 入门 Our program can now load multiple levels of detail for textures which fixes artifacts when rendering objects far away from the viewer. The image is now a lot smoother, however on closer inspectio…
Vulkan(1)用apispec生成Vulkan库 我的Vulkan.net库已在(开源,欢迎交流. apispec.html 在Vulkan SDK的安装文件夹里,有一个Documentation\apispec.html文件.这是一个由代码生成的对Vulkan API的说明.它包含了Vulkan API的枚举类型.结构体.函数声明以及这一切的详细注释. 由于它是自动生成的,所以其格式非常规则.只需将少数几处<b…
[译]Vulkan教程(28)Image视图和采样器 Image view and sampler - Image视图和采样器 In this chapter we're going to create two more resources that are needed for the graphics pipeline to sample an image. The first resource is one that we've already seen before while work…
[译]Vulkan教程(27)Image Images Introduction 入门 The geometry has been colored using per-vertex colors so far, which is a rather limited approach. In this part of the tutorial we're going to implement texture mapping to make the geometry look more interes…
[译]Vulkan教程(26)描述符池和set Descriptor pool and sets 描述符池和set Introduction 入门 The descriptor layout from the previous chapter describes the type of descriptors that can be bound. In this chapter we're going to create a descriptor set for each VkBuffer re…
[译]Vulkan教程(25)描述符布局和buffer Descriptor layout and buffer 描述符布局和buffer Introduction 入门 We're now able to pass arbitrary attributes to the vertex shader for each vertex, but what about global variables? We're going to move on to 3D graphics from this c…
[译]Vulkan教程(19)渲染和呈现 Rendering and presentation 渲染和呈现 Setup 设置 This is the chapter where everything is going to come together. We're going to write the drawFrame function that will be called from the main loop to put the triangle on the screen. Creat…
[译]Vulkan教程(18)命令buffers Command buffers 命令buffer Commands in Vulkan, like drawing operations and memory transfers, are not executed directly using function calls. You have to record all of the operations you want to perform in command buffer objects…
[译]Vulkan教程(15)图形管道基础之RenderPass Render passes Setup 设置 Before we can finish creating the pipeline, we need to tell Vulkan about the framebuffer attachments that will be used while rendering. We need to specify how many color and depth buffers there…
[译]Vulkan教程(14)图形管道基础之固定功能 Fixed functions 固定功能 The older graphics APIs provided default state for most of the stages of the graphics pipeline. In Vulkan you have to be explicit about everything, from viewport size to color blending function. In this…
[译]Vulkan教程(13)图形管道基础之Shader模块 Shader modules Unlike earlier APIs, shader code in Vulkan has to be specified in a bytecode format as opposed to human-readable syntax like GLSL and HLSL. This bytecode format is called SPIR-V and is designed to be used…
[译]Vulkan教程(08)逻辑设备和队列 Introduction 入门 After selecting a physical device to use we need to set up a logical device to interface with it. The logical device creation process is similar to the instance creation process and describes the features we wan…
[译]Vulkan教程(07)物理设备和队列家族 Selecting a physical device 选择一个物理设备 After initializing the Vulkan library through a VkInstance we need to look for and select a graphics card in the system that supports the features we need. In fact we can select any number…
[译]Vulkan教程(02)概况 这是我翻译(上的Vulkan教程的第2篇. This chapter will start off with an introduction of Vulkan and the problems it addresses. After that we're going to look at the ingredients that are required for the first triangle.…
[译]Vulkan教程(01)入门 接下来我将翻译(上的Vulkan教程.这可能是我学习Vulkan的最好方式,但不是最理想的方式. 我会用“driver(驱动程序)”这样的方式翻译某些关键词语,在后续的文字中,则只使用英文.这可以减少歧义,且使译文易读. Introduction 入门 About E-book Tutorial structure About 关于 This tutorial will teach you the bas…
CSharpGL(57)[译]Vulkan清空屏幕 本文是对(的翻译,作为学习Vulkan的一次尝试. 不翻译的话,每次都在看第一句,那就学不完了. Background 背景 +BIT祝威+悄悄在此留下版了个权的信息说: Welcome back. I hope that you've been able to complete the previous tutorial su…
CSharpGL(56)[译]Vulkan入门 本文是对(的翻译,作为学习Vulkan的一次尝试. 不翻译的话,每次都在看第一句,那就学不完了. Background 背景 You've probably heard by now quite a bit about Vulkan, the new Graphics API from Khronos (the non profit…