wildcard DNS for everyone 今天看到一个老外发布的DNS小工具,XIP.IO.功能十分简单,就是将 resolves to这样的域名格式翻译成10.0.0.1.应用场景主要是开发人员在调试WEB系统时,可以方便的测试.比如,你在电脑上做网站开发,多个网站产品并行调试,使用了Vhost虚拟机技术,在电脑上调试还相对比较简单,只需要修改本地的host文件,将域名解析记录都指向…
openssl 安装可参照之前文章 1.mkdir /etc/ssl/xip.ioopenssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/ 1024openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/ -out /etc/ssl/> Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US> State or Province Name (full name) [S…
原文地址: Overview If your application makes use of SSL certificates, then some decisions need to be made about how to use them with a load balancer. A simple setup of on…