Detecting suspicious activities using Wireshark You can use make the MAC address of the router to static on the ARP table to prevent ARP attack. But it is not effective and useful for big companys . Start the attacks from the Kali Linux. Analyze the…
ARP Poisoning - arpspoof Arpspoof is a tool part of a suit called dsniff, which contains a number of network penetration tools. Arpspoof can be used to launch a MITM attack and redirect traffic to flow through our device. 1. Tell the target client th…
Post Connection Attacks Sophisticated attacks that can be used after connecting to the target AP. Gathering Information Now that we are connected to a specific AP, we can gather more detailed info about the clients connected to this AP. There is a nu…
MITM - Wireshark WIreshark is a network protocol analyser that is designed to help network administartors to keep track of what is happening in their network and analyse all the packtes. Wireshark works by logging each packet that flows through the d…
MITM - ARP Poisoning Theory Man In The Middle Attacks - ARP Poisoning This is one of the most dangerous and effective attacks that can be used, it is used to redirect packets to and from any client to our device, and since we have the network key, we…
Nmap Nmap is a network discovery tool that can be used to gather detailed information about any client or network. We shall have a look at some of its uses to discover connected clients and gather information about them. We are going to use Zenmap -…
Securing your Network From the Above Attacks. Now that we know how to test the security of all known wireless encryption(WEP/WPA/WPA2), it is relatively easy to secure our networks against these attacks as we know all the weaknesses that can be used…
WPA Craking WPA was designed to address the issues in WEP and provide better encryption. The main issue in WEP is the short IV which means that they can be repeated, therefore by collecting a large number of IVs aircrakp-ng can determine the key stre…
WEP Cracking Basic case Run airdump-ng to log all traffic from the target network. airodump-ng --channel [channel] --bssid [bssid] --write [file-name][interface] At the same time, we shall use aircrack-ng to try and crack the key using the capture fi…
Gaining Access to encrypted networks Three main encryption types: 1. WEP 2.WPA 3.WPA2 WEP Cracking WEP is old encryption, but it is still used in some networks, therefore we will explain how to break it. It uses an algorithm called RC4 where each pac…