题目传送门:http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/28/D 题意:给你$N$个物品,每个物品有其价格$P_i$,之前必须要买的物品价格和$L_i$,之后必须要买的物品价格和$R_i$和价值$W_i$.试给出一种物品的选择方案,使得满足所有选择的物品的条件且选择物品的价值和最大(物品的选择顺序必须要与原来的顺序相同).$N \leq 10^5 , P , L , R \leq 10^5 , W \leq 10^4$ 像背包DP,所以就是背包DP(雾 我们…
D. Don't fear, DravDe is kind time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output A motorcade of n trucks, driving from city «Z» to city «З», has approached a tunnel, known as Tunnel of Horror…
Hi. My name is Zhang Meng. I’m an engineer at Keysight. Today I’m not going to introduce my birthplace, childhood, or education background in detail. Because like most ordinary people, there is nothing interesting. Today I want to tell you a story. T…
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks: How we can face the future without fear, together 1. what was it like being in America during the recent presidential election 总统选举 2. And one way into it is to see that perhaps the most simple way into a culture and into a…
补一篇以前的扩展欧几里得的题,发现以前写错了竟然也过了,可能数据水??? 这个题还是很有意思的,和队友吵了两天,一边吵一边发现问题??? L. Knights without Fear and Reproach http://codeforces.com/gym/100812/problem/L time limit per test 2.0 s memory limit per test 256 MB input standard input output standard output Th…
"Fear No More" Every anxious thought that steals my breath It's a heavy weight upon my chest As I lie awake and wonder what the future will hold Help me to remember that You're in control You're my courage when I worry in the dead of night…