日常英语---十三.MapleStory/Monsters/Level 11-20(邪恶之眼) 一.总结 一句话总结: evil ['ivl] A stronger version of Evil Eye that must be killed for a quest in Ellinia. Powerful Evil Eye: evil 英 ['iːv(ə)l; -vɪl] 美 ['ivl] adj. 邪恶的:不幸的:有害的:讨厌的 n. 罪恶,邪恶:不幸 [ 比较级 eviler 或 e…
日常英语---十二.MapleStory/Monsters/Level 1-10(Horny Mushroom) 一.总结 一句话总结: horny-['hɔːnɪ]-adj.角的 Another mushroom of the variety that can't jump, like the Green Mushroom. Found in Henesys's Mushroom Forest. horny 英 ['hɔːnɪ] 美 ['hɔrni] adj. 角的:角状的:淫荡的 n.…
日常英语---八.REBOOT - What is the difference? -MapleStory 一.总结 一句话总结: trade transfer drop_rate equipment_improvement level_up meso all_five_crafting_professions no_advantage_can_be_gained_by_paying_real-world_money 1.maplestory the different between re()…
日常英语---九.冒险岛link技能导读 一.总结 一句话总结:选最值得练的link技能列上来,先熟悉一部分,没必要一开始就全部弄懂,这样压力太大,可以先熟悉比较有意义的一部分啊 学以致用-还不如说成-用以致学 Link_Skills_Guide 1.不同地区link技能不一样,骑士团的技能是所有角色共用? region Cygnus knight MapleStory Link Skills is only available in certain jobs which can be shar…
11.一个游戏,前20关是每一关自身的分数,1-30关每一关是10分,31-40关,每一关是20分,1-49关,每一关是30分,第50关是100分,输入你现在闯到的关卡数,求你现在拥有的分数.利用if嵌套for. Console.Write("输入你闯的关卡数:"); int a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); sum = 0; if(a<=20) { for (int i = 1; i <=a;i++ ) { sum += i; } }…
11.二进制中1的个数 输入一个整数,输出该数二进制表示中1的个数.其中负数用补码表示. (1)最优解 public class Solution { public int NumberOf1(int n) { int count=0; while(n!=0){ n = n&(n-1); count++; } return count; } } (2) public class Solution { public int NumberOf1(int n) { int count=0; int f…
2017/11/14 Leetcode 日记 442. Find All Duplicates in an Array Given an array of integers, 1 ≤ a[i] ≤ n (n = size of array), some elements appear twice and others appear once. Find all the elements that appear twice in this array. Could you do it withou…
在nutch中,默认情况下尊重robot.txt的配置,同时不提供配置项以忽略robot.txt. 以下是其中一个解释.即作为apache的一个开源项目,必须遵循某些规定,同时由于开放了源代码,可以简单的通过修改源代码来忽略robot.txt的限制. From the point of view of research and crawling certain pieces of the web, and i strongly agree with you that it should be c…