Reference: Introduction Elasticsearch is a platform for distributed search and analysis of data in real time. Its popularity is due to its eas…
本文首发于个人博客,欢迎阅读! Install and Configure Caffe on ubuntu 16.04 Series Part 1: Install and Configure Caffe on windows 10 Part 2: Install and Configure Caffe on ubuntu 16.04 Guide requirements: NVIDIA driver 396.54 CUDA 8…
本文首发于个人博客,欢迎阅读! Part-1: Install and Configure Qt5 on Ubuntu 16.04 Series Part-1: Install and Configure Qt5 on Ubuntu 16.04 Part-2: Install and Configure VTK 8.1.0 from source with Qt5 on Ubuntu 16.04 Part-3: Install…
Install Cocos2d-x v3.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 & Ubuntu 14.10 1 get the source code sudo apt-get install git git clone or you can download at 2 init environment cd cocos2d-x/build .…
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is out, loads of new features have been added. Here are some procedures I followed to install CUDA 6.0 on my DELL Inspiron. First of all, Ubuntu need to be installed successfully, and the necessary libs are also need to installed: su… 在新加节点上运行 sed -e "s/14.04/12.04/g" -i /etc/*-release…
Ubuntu的网络管理为创建Wifi热点提供了方便,可是因为它用了ad-hoc网络,所以其创建的Wifi又不能让Android系统使用.这篇文字就是为了解决这个问题 1.Install AP-Hostpot in Ubuntu sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ap-hotspot 2.Updata for ubuntu 14.04 the hosta…
参考 How do I install Sublime Text 2/3? Ubuntu 14.04 安装sublime 通过apt-get包管理器安装sublime. sublime2.0: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sublime-text sublime3.0: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webu…
ZH奶酪:Ubuntu 14.04安装LAMP(Linux,Apache,MySQL,PHP) 之前已经介绍过LAMP的安装,这边文章主要讲解一下LAMP的配置. 1.配置Apache (1)调整KeepAlive设置(参考[1].[2]): 在内存非常充足的服务器上,不管是否关闭 KeepAlive 功能,服务器性能不会有明显变化: 如果服务器内存较少,或者服务器有非常大量的文件系统访问时,或者主要处理动态网页服务,关闭 KeepAlive 后可以节省很多内存,而节省出来的内存用于文件系统Ca…
Install Google Pinyin on Ubuntu 14.04 I've been spending more and more time on Ubuntu and I'm not used to the Chinese keyboard that ships with Ubuntu. The keyboard on Android works pretty well so here's a quick tutorial on how to install it on Ubuntu…