Author: Emmanuel Goossaert 翻译 This article is a short guide to implementing an algorithm from a scientific paper. I have implemented many complex algorithms from books and scientific publications, and this article sums up what I have learned while se…
This is the evolving set of recommendations I share with my graduate students for technical writing... Empathy: This is the single most important principle of technical writing. Try reading what you write from the perspective of somebody who has not…
Deep Learning 方向的部分 Paper ,自用.一 RNN 1 Recurrent neural network based language model RNN用在语言模型上的开山之作 2 Statistical Language Models Based on Neural Networks Mikolov的博士论文,主要将他在RNN用在语言模型上的工作进行串联 3 Extensions of Recurrent Neural Network Language Model 开山之…
Link of the Paper: Innovations: The authors propose a novel learning based discriminative evaluation metric that is directly trained to distinguish between human and machine-generated captions. They train an automatic…
[softmax分类器的加速器] This is a faster way to train a softmax classifier over a huge number of classes. [分类的结果集过大,选取子集]…
牛人主页(主页有很多论文代码) Serge Belongie at UC San Diego Antonio Torralba at MIT Alexei Ffros at CMU Ce Liu at Microsoft Research New England Vittorio Ferrari at Univ.of Edinburgh Kristen Grauman at UT Austin Devi Parikh at TTI-Chicago (Marr Prize at ICCV2011…
大家都清楚神经网络在上个世纪七八十年代是着实火过一回的,尤其是后向传播BP算法出来之后,但90年代后被SVM之类抢了风头,再后来大家更熟悉的是SVM.AdaBoost.随机森林.GBDT.LR.FTRL这些概念.究其原因,主要是神经网络很难解决训练的问题,比如梯度消失.当时的神经网络研究进入一个低潮期,不过Hinton老人家坚持下来了. 功夫不负有心人,2006年Hinton和学生发表了利用RBM编码的深层神经网络的Science Paper:Reducing the Dimensionalit…
Tips for writing a paper 1. Tips for Paper Writing 2.• Before you write a paper • When you are writing a paper • The expression 3.Before you start writing a paper • State your Contribution • Organize your paper structure, See Everything as a Facet on…
How to (seriously) read a scientific paper Adam Ruben’s tongue-in-cheek column about the common difficulties and frustrations of reading a scientific paper broadly resonated among Science Careers readers. Many of you have come to us asking for more (…
How to read a scientific paper Nothing makes you feel stupid quite like reading a scientific journal article. I remember my first experience with these ultra-congested and aggressively bland manuscripts so dense that scientists are sometimes caught e…
在图像去雾这个领域,几乎没有人不知道<Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior>这篇文章,该文是2009年CVPR最佳论文.作者何凯明博士,2007年清华大学毕业,2011年香港中文大学博士毕业,可谓是功力深厚,感叹于国内一些所谓博士的水平,何这样的博士才可以真正叫做Doctor. 关于何博士的一些资料和论文,大家可以访问这里: 最开…