ORDERSET - Order statistic set In this problem, you have to maintain a dynamic set of numbers which support the two fundamental operations INSERT(S,x): if x is not in S, insert x into S DELETE(S,x): if x is in S, delete x from S and the two type of…
前言 今天我们来讲讲如何优化MySQL的性能,主要从索引方面优化.下期文章讲讲MySQL慢查询日志,我们是依据慢查询日志来判断哪条SQL语句有问题,然后在进行优化,敬请期待MySQL慢查询日志篇 建表 // 建表CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS staffs( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT'姓名', age INT NO…
1.我们就可以使用 MySQL 的 ORDER BY 子句来设定你想按哪个字段哪中方式来进行排序,再返回搜索结果. 2.SELECT field1, field2,...fieldN table_name1, table_name2... ORDER BY field1, [field2...] [ASC [DESC]] 4. SELECT * from runoob_tbl ORDER BY runoob_author ASC;…