Dropdown login forms are not a feature many online stores use, but in some cases they could be quite useful UX feature. In this tutorial, I will explain how to create such a dropdown in a few minutes! 并不是每一个站都用下拉登陆菜单,但对某些时候确实非常实用.这次我们就来体验一下如何给Magento…
上下文菜单大多数情况下都是为ListView中的Item添加的,长按2S左右跳出菜单,添加上下文菜单必须重写活动中的onCreateContextMenu()方法和onContextItemSelected()方法,前者创建后者监听. 当然也可以通过xml文件创建菜单. private final int MENU_DEL = Menu.FIRST; private final int MENU_MESS = Menu.FIRST+1; public void onCreateContextMe…