Use Uncertainty As a Driver Kevlin Henney ConFRonTEd WiTH TWo opTionS, most people think that the most impor- tant thing to do is to make a choice between them. In design (software or otherwise), it is not. The presence of two options is an indicat…
一.JDBC 连接Oracle 说明 JDBC 的应用连接Oracle 遇到问题,错误如下: ORA-12505,TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor TheConnection descriptor used by the client was. 我在DB 层面配置了静态注册,并且GLOBAL_DBNAME和SID_NAME 不一样,以往的配置都是一样的,所以没有发现这个问题. (SID_…
selenium获取input时候,发现type=”hidden” 的input无法修改value,经牛人指点,可以使用js修改 首先html源文件如下,设置为text .hidden.submit <html> <head> <title>this is a test </title> <script type="text/javascript"> function display_alert() { alert("…