iOS夯实:ARC时代的内存管理 什么是ARC Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) is a compiler feature that provides automatic memory management of Objective-C objects. Rather than having to think about retain and release operations [^1] ARC提供是一个编译器的特性,帮助我们在编译的时候自动插入管理引用计…
<Objective-C 高级编程:iOS与OS X多线程和内存管理> 基本信息 原书名: Pro Multithreading and Memory Management for iOS and OS X: with ARC, Grand Central Dispatch, and Blocks 原出版社: Apress 作者: (日)坂本一树 (日)古本智彦 译者: 黎华 丛书名: 图灵程序设计丛书 出版社:人民邮电出版社 ISBN:9787115318091 上架时间:2013-5-28…
iOS夯实:ARC时代的内存管理 文章转自 ARC时代的内存管理 什么是ARC Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) is a compiler feature that provides automatic memory management of Objective-C objects. Rather than having to think about retain and release operations [^1] [^1]: Transitionin…