I. Max answer(RMQ预处理前缀和)】的更多相关文章

题目链接: https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/38228 题目大意:给你n个数,让你找出一个区间中f的最大值,具体的f计算方法,这段区间的和乘以这段区间的最小值. 具体思路:我们枚举每个位置,对于当前位置的数,通过二分 找出这个数作为区间最小值能够到达的最左端和最右端.如果是正数,我们直接a[i]*这段区间和就可以了,因为都是正数. 如果当前的a[i]是负数,对于这个点的右段,我们找出一个前缀和最小的点,然后对于这个点的左端,我们找出一个前缀和最大的,这样就能保证选定的区…
Max answer https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/38228 Alice has a magic array. She suggests that the value of a interval is equal to the sum of the values in the interval, multiplied by the smallest value in the interval. Now she is planning to find the max…
Max answer Alice has a magic array. She suggests that the value of a interval is equal to the sum of the values in the interval, multiplied by the smallest value in the interval. Now she is planning to find the max value of the intervals in her array…
Max answer 题目链接 https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/38228 Describe Alice has a magic array. She suggests that the value of a interval is equal to the sum of the values in the interval, multiplied by the smallest value in the interval. Now she is planning to…
题目:https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/38228 这题题解参考网上大佬的. 程序的L[i],R[i]代表a[i]这个点的值在区间 [L[i],R[i]] 中最小的并且能拓展到最左为L[i],最右为R[i]. 然后如果a[i]>0的情况就是 : a[i]*(Sum[R[i]]-Sum[L[i]-1]) 如果a[i]<0那么这题就会变得复杂许多.需要预处理出Lmin[i],Rmin[i],Lmin[i]代表:以i为右端点的时候 Lmin[i]为左端点能得到区间和最小,Rm…
https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/38228 Alice has a magic array. She suggests that the value of a interval is equal to the sum of the values in the interval, multiplied by the smallest value in the interval. Now she is planning to find the max value of th…
题目链接:https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/38228 Alice has a magic array. She suggests that the value of a interval is equal to the sum of the values in the interval, multiplied by the smallest value in the interval. Now she is planning to find the max value…
https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/38228 题意给你一个序列,对于每个连续子区间,有一个价值,等与这个区间和×区间最小值,求所有子区间的最大价值是多少. 分析:我们先用单调栈预处理 区间 [L[i] , R[i] ] 最小值为a[i] , 的L[i] , R[i] ; 首先我们明白 , 如果a[i] >0 那 [L[i] , R[i] ] , 里面的数都是正数 , 所以应该全选 : a[i] < 0 , 那我们 应该在[L[i]-1 , i-1] 这里面找到前缀和最大…
Alice has a magic array. She suggests that the value of a interval is equal to the sum of the values in the interval, multiplied by the smallest value in the interval. Now she is planning to find the max value of the intervals in her array. Can you h…
题意:有一个无序数组,求有多少个长度为k的区间满足把区间内的数排序后是连续的. 思路:长度为k的区间排序后是 连续的数等价于maxval-minval等于k-1并且不同的数有k个(或者说没有相同的数),第一个条件可以用rmq快速得到区间最大值与最小值之差,第二个条件可以这样求,按区间的左边界分类预处理,遍历右边界,如果[L,R]内有相同的数,则[L,R+k]有相同的数,否则转化为判断a[R+1]是否在区间[L,R]内出现过,维护一个last数组,last[i]表示i上一次出现的位置,那么等价于判…