//结构体的声明 typedef struct Mwinddirectbaseline { char* p; int s; int i; }Mwinddirectbaseline; typedef struct F { char* p; int s; int i; }F; typedef struct H { char* p; int s; int i; }H; typedef struct Coordinate1 { char* p; int s; int i; }Coordinate1; t…
在C语言中几乎可以创建指向任何类型的指针,包括用户自定义的类型.当然也可以指向结构体,先看一个小案例: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct PERSON { int age; int height; ]; } Person; int main (){ Person p = {, , "phper"}; //别名 Person *p_s = &p; //定义结构体指针 printf(&…
---恢复内容开始--- You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list. You may assume th…
类型 普通指针 指针数组(非指针类型) 数组指针 结构体指针 函数指针 二重指针 定义方式 int *p; int *p[5]; int (*p)[5]; int a[3][5]; struct{...int i;..}a, *p int (*p)(int,int); int add(int a,int b) int **p1; int *p2; int *p3[5]; 赋值方式 p=&a; -- p=a; p=&a p=add; p1=&p2; p1=&p3; 解引用 *…