There are some short expressions in Perl that allow you to test files, which is handy if you want to check what a file allows before using it, or if it exists at all. We'll look at a few of the common tests in this section. Existence To see if a file…
昨天在检查YourSQLDba备份时,发现有台数据库做备份时出现了下面错误信息,如下所示: <Exec>   <ctx>yMaint.ShrinkLog</ctx>   <inf>Log Shrink</inf>   <Sql> --  ======================================================================== -- Shrink of log file E:\SQ…
严重: Context initialization failedorg.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to read candidate component class: file [/home/rocky/Develop/luna_workspace/20160603workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/…
Sharepoint Error : The URL "filename" is invalid. It may refer to a nonexistent file or folder, or refer to a valid file or folder that is not in the current Web 中文错误: 一次网站突然出现问题 新建网站会报如下错误: 该 URL“DocLib1/Doc1.doc”无效.它可能指向不存在的文件或文件夹,或者是指向不在当前网站中…
在照着这里例子学习ssm时,在部署阶段遇到了这个问题“ASM ClassReader failed to parse class file - probably due to a new Java class file version that isn't supported yet” 结合例子里的博主说java的版本不要用太高的,怕兼容不了,猜到应该是java版本不符的问题,于是修改了一下项目运行的java版本.在eclipse下的操作步骤如下: 1.右键项目,Properties,然后按图操…
[已解决] 原文 想要通过adt的ddms的file explorer去向adv中导入文件,结果出错: [2013-04-23 10:32:00 - ddms] transfer error: Read-only file system [2013-04-23 10:32:00] Failed to push selection:…
问题: Error: [1146] ORA-01146: cannot start online backup - file 1 is already in backup ORA-01110: data file 1: 'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL8\SYSTEM01.DBF' 以上问题是指,system这个表空间现在是备份状态 解决: alter tablespace system end backup;…
upload_tmp_dir 临时文件夹问题 上传文件提示 Warning: File upload error - unable to create a temporary file in Unknown on line 0 找到php.ini 中的 upload_tmp_dir 把前边的“:”去掉然后改为upload_tmp_dir =C:\Windows\temp最后记得重启apache…
php上传图片的时候会报错: File upload error - unable to create a temporary file 文件上传错误 - 无法创建一个临时文件 你只需要打开你的php.ini文件,设置upload_tmp_dir="f:\temp"  然后重启环境就可以了,如果还不行就去看看文件夹的权限是否有权限,赋予写入权限就好了…
代码在本地运行一切都OK,放到服务器上,网站访问正常,上传就出现该错误. 提示:PHP Warning: File upload error - unable to create a temporary file in Unknown on line 0 出现问题的服务器:Windows server 2012 Standard iis8 php5.5.37 fastCGI 原因:原来是在配置php环境的时候,php.ini没有设置upload_tmp_dir . 如果 php.ini 没有设置…