省选考前单挑做点ACM练练细节还是很不错的嘛- 福利:http://codeforces.com/gym/101350 先来放上惨不忍睹的virtual participate成绩(中间跑去食堂吃饭于是浪费了一点时间) Problem A DNF Problem B 1Y(5min) Problem C 1Y(37min) Problem D 2Y(9min) Problem E 4Y(3h58min) Problem F DNF Problem G 1Y(4h13min) Problem H…
F. Monkeying Around 维护点在多少个线段上 http://codeforces.com/gym/101350/problem/F 题意:有m个笑话,每个笑话的区间是[L, R],笑话种类有1e5,一开始所有猴子都在凳子上,听到一个笑话,就倒下,但是如果是听过的笑话,就重新回到凳子上.问最终有多少个猴子在凳子上. 相当于有1e5个线段,如果我们能知道第i个猴子,被多少个线段覆盖了,那么可以找出那些线段中的最后那一条,就是最后覆盖上去的那一条,那条线段是哪一个笑话,设为k,如果…
F. Palindrome Problem Description A string is palindrome if it can be read the same way in either direction, for example "maram" is palindrome, while "ammar" is not. You are given a string of n characters, where each character is eithe…
A. Chrome Tabs 当$n=1$时答案为$0$,当$k=1$或$k=n$时答案为$1$,否则答案为$2$. #include<cstdio> int T,n,k; int main(){ freopen("tabs.in","r",stdin); scanf("%d",&T); while(T--){ scanf("%d%d",&n,&k); if(n==1)puts("…