Learning Puppet — Resource Ordering】的更多相关文章

Learning Puppet — Resource Ordering Learn about dependencies and refresh events, manage the relationships between resources, and discover the fundamental Puppet design pattern. Disorder Let’s look back on one of our manifests from the last page: [roo…
Learning Puppet — Resources and the RAL Welcome to Learning Puppet! This series covers the basics of writing Puppet code Begin Log into the Learning Puppet VM as root, and run puppet resource service. This command will return something like the follo…
Begin In a text editor — vim, emacs, or nano — create a file with the following contents and filename: written and applied your first Puppet manifest. [root@yum01 ~]# useradd testuser [root@yum01 ~]# cat /etc/passwd |grep testtestuser:x:536:536::/hom…
Begin $my_variable = "A bunch of text" notify {$my_variable:} Yup, that’s a variable, all right. refer: https://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/variables.html…
本文有感于<精通Puppet配置管理工具>在豆瓣上的某些差评而顺手写的书评. 半路出家   故事要从12年初说起.  某天,部门老大让我所在team的老大调研一下当下业界的配置管理工具.于是我的老大给我分配了一个棘手的任务,要求我转型去做devops,并尝试在本季度内使用Puppet来管理现有的IAAS内部平台上的所有业务,工作成果计入KPI.    于是,我半路出家从dev转成了ops.    我花了几天的时间把learning Puppet动手练习了一遍,在会使用几个基础的resource…
一.查看官方提供的下载源 https://docs.puppet.com/guides/puppetlabs_package_repositories.html 二. 选择对应系统的下载源 因为本机是CentOS 7.1,故选择YUM源 https://yum.puppetlabs.com/ 三. 安装Puppet # wget https://yum.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-el-7.noarch.rpm # rpm -ivh puppetlabs-…
<Puppet权威指南>基本信息作者: 王冬生 丛书名: Linux/Unix技术丛书出版社:机械工业出版社ISBN:9787111485988上架时间:2014-12-25出版日期:2015 年1月开本:16开版次:1-1   内容简介    计算机书籍自动化运维领域的重磅之作,Puppet领域权威的.系统的.有深度的.极具企业实战价值的著作.腾讯高级运维工程师撰写,获得了来自腾讯.百度.阿里巴巴.新浪等多家世界级互联网企业的总监级运维专家的高度认可和联袂推荐.工欲善其事,必先利其器,在操作…
本文由秀依林枫提供友情赞助,首发于烂泥行天下. 前一篇文章,我们介绍了有关puppet3.7的安装与配置,这篇文章我们再来介绍下如何利用puppet添加带密码的用户. 要通过puppet添加带密码的用户,我们需要分以下几个步骤: 1.查看user资源帮助 2.user选项说明 3.添加系统用户 4.生成用户密码 5.添加带密码的用户 一.查看user资源帮助 要通过puppet为系统添加用户,我们需要首先查看puppet如何添加用户,这个我们可以查看puppet的user资源帮助信息.如下: p…
Puppet's Commands Puppet’s command line interface consists of a single puppet command with many subcommands. Puppet’s companion utilities, Facter and Hiera, have their own command line interfaces, which differ slightly from Puppet’s. Core Services Th…
直接上步骤,由于测试用的是PE3.X版本,在网上搜的命令几乎与PE相关的puppet命令不同了, 1.在PE-Client操作,停止pe-puppet,pe-mcollective资源; puppet resource service pe-puppet ensure=stopped; puppet resource service pe-mcollection ensure=stoped; 再删除PE客户端的/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/下的所有,见图示;…