Open-Source Service Discovery】的更多相关文章

Service discovery is a key component of most distributed systems and service oriented architectures. The problem seems simple at first: How do clients determine the IP and port for a service that exist on multiple hosts? Usually, you start off with s… What’s Service Discovery? Its benefits and challenges? 05/07/15 by ABS Share on Facebook Twitter Google Plus LinkedIn The successful format of ‘Immutable Infrastructure: 6 quest…
Curator的介绍 Curator就是Zookeeper的一个客户端工具(不知道Zookeeper的同学可以到学习下),封装ZooKeeper client与ZooKeeper server之间的连接处理以及zookeeper的常用操作,提供ZooKeeper各种应用场景(recipe, 比如共享锁服务, 集群领导选举机制)的抽象封装.当然还有他看起来非常舒服的Flu…
Service Discovery 简介 在Android WifiDirect学习(一 )中,简单介绍了如何使用WifiDirect进行搜索——连接——传输. 这样会有一个问题,那就是你会搜索到到附近所有处于WifiDirect搜索状态的网络设备,而这些设备中不一定都是你想进行连接的. Android WifiDirect Api提供了一个仅搜索特定网络设备的搜索方式,叫做Service Discovery,它是Wi-Fi Direct API在Android 4.1中被增强以支持在WifiP…
原文 你可以指定一个service discovery provider,ocelot将使用它来找下游的host和port. Consul 下面的配置要放在GlobalConfiguration中.如果你没有指定host和port,那么就需要一个service discovery provider,默认使用的是Consul. "ServiceDiscoveryProvider": { "Host": "localhost", "Port…
在这篇文章中,我们将快速了解一下服务发现是什么,使用Consul在ASP.NET Core MVC框架中,并结合DnsClient.NET实现基于Dns的客户端服务发现 这篇文章的所有源代码都可以在GitHub上Demo项目获得. Service Discovery 在现代微服务架构中,服务可以在容器中运行,并且可以动态启动,停止和扩展. 这导致了一个非常动态的托管环境,可能有数百个实际端点,无法手动配置或找到正确的端点. 话虽这么说,我相信服务发现不仅适用于生活在容器中的粒状微服务.它可以被任…
Zookeeper整体介绍 ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. Out of the Box Applications: Name Service, Configuration, Group Membership Zookee… Use Assigned Numbers in the Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) for searching for services, a browse group list, documentation URL, and an icon URL.…
Service Discovery in WCF 4.0 – Part 2 In the previous post I discussed about the basic usage of WCF Discovery in 4.0. I implemented a managed discovery service by inheriting from System.ServiceModel.Discovery.DiscoveryProxy. I utilized a concurrent d…
Service Discovery in WCF 4.0 – Part 1 When designing a service oriented architecture (SOA) system, there will be a lot of services with many service contracts, endpoints and behaviors. Besides the client calling the service, in a large distributed sy…