Not counting obtaining the source code, and once you have the prerequisites satisfied, [Windows] users can build from source code in 5 easy steps. Prerequisites – Install & ensure they are in the $PATH: CMake <-- Download C++ compiler <-- Visual…
The Robotics Library is an open source C++ library for robot kinematics, motion planning and control. The official website provides a Windows installer. But it's release only and has no debug information. To better debug into the library, we need to……
Download any version source code of Windows Azure Powershell from Downdload Wix ToolSet from and install it to let your VS supports Wix component. Build \W… Snort is by far the most popular open-source network intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS) for Linux. Snort can conduct detailed traffic analysis, including protocol analysis, packet content search…
1. linux下mysql安装版本5.6   windows下mysql版本5.7  不要问我为什么版本不一致  就是想这么搞 2. linux为主服务器   windows为从服务器 3.找到liunx下mysql配置文件  添加如下 然后重新启动 4.添加复制用户 5.查看master状态,记录下两个参数 mysql> show master status; 6.找到window下my.ini,逗比们,注意路径,好多找不的位置不对,找不到的话有可能就是隐藏文件 7. 修改server-id…
Mysql 查询运行过程 大致分为4个阶段吧: 语法分析(<词法分析, 语法分析, 语义检查 >) >> # JOIN.prepare 生成逻辑查询plan( >># JOIN.optimize 生成物理查询plan( run the explain plan( JOIN.exec JOIN.prepare() : 子查询…
拿到一堆纯代码,怎么去Create Project,设置Include路径,lib路径,要不要Pre-compile技术,配置Project之间的依赖关系. SourcesConverter  Base on source file. 哎,VS工具不熟,还真不太容易啊! 由于我有现成的win7 build环境,有dirs, sources这些文件,WDK8之前用WDK自带的build.exe,所以基本流程是写好dirs,sources,xx.inc这些文件,在WDK的cmd里敲buid xxxx…
1.安装前准备: 1)必备的包和工具  gcc/g++ :MySQL 5.6开始,需要使用g++进行编译.  cmake  :MySQL 5.5开始,使用cmake进行工程管理,cmake需要2.8以上版本.  bison  :MySQL语法解析器需要使用bison进行编译.  ncurses-devel :用于终端操作的开发包.  zlib    :MySQL使用zlib进行压缩 2)功能需要的包  libxml  :用于XML输入输出方式的支持.  openssl  :使用openssl安全…
Took me a while to suffer from the first successful souce code installation of mysql-5.6.34. Just put it here and share it with u. Env.OS:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga)Mysql: mysql-5.6.341. Install Cmake [root@exadata1 cmake-3.…