<The Linux Command Line> 读书笔记01 基本命令介绍 1. What is the Shell? The Shell is a program that takes keyboard commands and passes them to the operating system to carry out. 提示符 $被称作shell prompt,它表明shell准备好接收输入. 通常是包含了你的用户名和机器名(username@machinename),之后是当前的…
Introduction 本系列文章为You Don't Know JS的读书笔记. 书籍地址:https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS Scope From Functions 一个非常普遍的观点是,Javascript的作用域是基于函数的,这个观点其实并不是那么正确,不过,让我们来先看一下函数级别的作用域. function foo(a) { var b = 2; // some code function bar() { // ... } //…