Q: In CLRS, third Edition, on page 155, it is given that in MAX-HEAPIFY, The children’s subtrees each have size at most 2n/3—the worst case occurs when the bottom level of the tree is exactly half full. I understand why it is worst when the bottom le…
排序总结————常见的排序 常见的9中排序(冒泡,选择,插入(二分插入,希尔),归并,快速,堆,计数,基数,桶排序)可分为两类 比较排序:冒泡,选择,插入(二分插入,希尔),归并,堆,快速 非比较排序:计数,基数,桶排序 var arr = [298,113,138,96,78,203,56,11]; function testMap(arr) { for(var i = 0; i < arr.length;i++) { $(".testBoxList").eq(i).css({…