Gaming on Linux used to be a very rare phrase. But since the arrival of Steam on Linux, the Linux gaming community is all charged up because of the games being natively developed for Linux instead of being dependent on third-party applications like W…
过去的 2016 年,开源社区异常活跃,很多个人与公司争相开源自己的项目,让人眼花缭乱,然而有些项目只是昙花一现,有些项目却持久创造价值,为开发者提供了极大的便利,这些终究由时间来判断.今天,我就来整理一篇,我个人认为的 2016 年对 Android 开发有巨大帮助的,甚至改变了 Android 开发方式的开源库,但是,仅限个人认为,不具有任何权威性. 1. RxJava地址: 2016 年 Android 界最火的莫过于…
Dec. 31, 2015 Stayed up to last minute of 2015, 12:00am, watching a few of videos about top 10 rules for success, and then, think about putting together a blog to share, for a successful year 2016. Top 10 rules for success 1. Jessica Alba2. Oprah Win…
There are lots of free tools available online to get easy access to the WiFi networks intended to help the network admins and the programmers working on the WiFi systems and we at Team Techworm have picked the top 10 of those for ethical hackers, pro…
Top 10 Programming Fonts Sunday, 17 May 2009 • Permalink Update: This post was written back in 2009, and much has changed since then. I’ve also written a few subsequent posts about alternative programming fonts, like this one about Anonymous Pro. I’m…
org link: Top 10 DTrace scripts for Mac OS X Since version 10.5 “Leopard”, Mac OS X has had DTrace, a tool used for performance analysis and troubleshooting. It provides d…
说明:owasp top 10其实有中文官方版本:本文是按着英文版进行翻译而成. 官方中文版: 官方英文版: 一.注入1.1.1 威胁很多数据源都可引发注入,包括环境变量.参数及内外部的web services等.当攻击者可以向解析器发送手动…
2016 年度码云热门项目排行榜 TOP 10 是通过开源项目2016年在码云上的 Watch.Star.Fork 数量来评定的榜单.码云平台发展至今,涌现了越来越多优秀的开源项目,越来越多的开源作者在上面分享自己的作品.我们希望通过此榜单在回顾总结2016年国内开源趋势,了解开源作者现状的同时,也能便于大家更好地找到自己需要的项目. 1.JFinal 简介: JFinal 是基于 Java 语言的极速 WEB + ORM 框架,其核心设计目标是开发迅速.代码量少.学习简单.功能强大.轻量级.易…
We are quite rich in terms of web browsers! Nevertheless, it's a bit surprising to know that even some quite popular web browsers cannot satisfy when it comes to managing downloads - be that Google Chrome or Mozilla. Often, you would have hated the l…
在系统维护的过程中,随时可能有需要查看 CPU 使用率,并根据相应信息分析系统状况的需要.在 CentOS 中,可以通过 top 命令来查看 CPU 使用状况.运行 top 命令后,CPU 使用状态会以全屏的方式显示,并且会处在对话的模式 -- 用基于 top 的命令,可以控制显示方式等等.退出 top 的命令为 q (在 top 运行中敲 q 键一次). top命令是Linux下常用的性能分析工具,能够实时显示系统中各个进程的资源占用状况,类似于Windows的任务管理器 可以直接使用top命…