Cocos2D Study - Preparation & Installation】的更多相关文章

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Download Cocos2D for iPhone download v2.0 - cocos2d-iphone-2.0.tar.gz 2. Using git hub to download cocos2d a) downl… The cocos2d Programming Guide provides in-depth documentation for writing applications that use cocos2d. Many topics described here reference the cocos2d API reference, provided separately. I…
转自: A Study of WebRTC Security Abstract Web Real-Time Communication (abbreviated as WebRTC) is a recent trend in web application technology, which promises the ability to enable realtime communication in the browser w…
Oracle EBS R12 (12.1.3) Installation Linux(64 bit) Contents Objective. 3 1 Download & Unzip. 3 Download. 3 Unzip. 3 MD5 Checksums. 4 2 Pre-Install Task. 5 Disk Space. 5 Specific Software Requirements. 5 RPM... 6 JDK. 8 OS User & Group. 11 3 Instal…
相关工具 下载 Android SDK 下载和安装 Android NDK版本不要选r9的.用r8e!r9会报错 下载安装JDK版本是 jdk-7u13-windows-x64.exe 下载和安装Cygwin 使用git工具下载cocos2d的源码,注意tag不要为dev版本. 使用Cygwin下载下列命令: autoconf, automake, binutils, gcc-core, gcc-g++, gcc4-core, gcc4-g++, gdb, pcre, pcre-devel, g…
Page 1Solidifier for Windows  Installation Guide Page 2McAfee, Inc.McAfee® Solidifier for Windows Installation GuideEnd User License AgreementBY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, COPYING, ACCESSING, OR USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEM…
In the previous post,  I have introduced how to install hadoop on windows based system. Now, I will introduce how to install hbase on windows. 1. Preparation: before the installation, let's take a look at the hadoop-hbase suppot matrix below: you can…
不多说,直接上干货! 但是在运行爬虫程序的时候报错了,如下: D:\Code\PycharmProfessionalCode\study\python_spider\30HoursGetWebCrawlerByPython>cd shop D:\Code\PycharmProfessionalCode\study\python_spider\30HoursGetWebCrawlerByPython\shop>scrapy crawl tb :: UserWarning: You do not…
Oracle Study之-AIX6.1构建Oracle 10gR2 RAC(3) 一.配置共享存储 [oracle@aix203 ~]$lsdev -c disk hdisk0 Available 1S-08-00-8,0 Other SCSI Disk Drive hdisk1 Available 1D-08-02     Other FC SCSI Disk Drive [root@aix204 /]#lsdev -c disk hdisk0 Available 1S-08-00-8,0…
转自: Step 1: Install Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 – Enterprise Edition Step 2: Inst…