Here are some exercises answers for State Estimation for Robotics, which I did in June, 2017. The book's public link is here But I used the November, 18, 2016 compiled version. So there may be…
张宁 Robust Attitude Estimation Using an Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter 使用自适应无味卡尔曼滤波器进行姿态估计链接: 提取码:pbdt This paper presents the robust Adaptive unscented Kalman filter (RAUKF) for attitude estimation. Sin…
Case Study (Note: 红色表示不重要) LeNet-5 起初用来识别手写数字灰度图片 AlexNet 输入的是227x227x3 的图片,输出1000 种类的结果 VGG VGG比AlexNet 结构更简单,filter 都是3x3的,max-pool 都是 2x2的. ResNets (Residual Network) 可用让很深的network 工作的很好. This really helps with the vanishing and exploding gradient…
概率论是探讨SLAM的一个重要的工具,概率密度函数的概率意义在于它能够描述一个随机变量位于任意区间的概率. p(x<=x<=x+dx)≍p(x).dx(由拉格朗日中值定理)…
搬砖到此: A Quick Insight     As I mentioned earlier, it's nearly impossible to grasp the full meaning of Kalman Filter by starting from definitions and complicated equations (at least for us mere mortals). For most cases, the state matrices drop out and…
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 来自维基百科,免费的百科Sensor fusion is combining of sensory data or data derived from disparate sources such that the resulting information has less uncertainty than would be possible when these sources were used individua…
Over the last seven years more than 200 quantitative finance articles have been written by members of the QuantStart team, prominent quant finance academics, researchers and industry professionals. 在过去七年中,QuantStart一共发表了200多篇量化金融文章,这些文章的作者包括QS团队成员.优秀…
How a Kalman filter works, in pictures I have to tell you about the Kalman filter, because what it does is pretty damn amazing. Surprisingly few software engineers and scientists seem to know about it, and that makes me sad because it is such a gener…
目录 Kalman理论介绍 一. 简单理论介绍理论 二. 升华理论介绍 Kalman基本应用 一. Kalman跟踪/滤波 二. Kalman预测/融合(单传感器) 三. Kalman多传感器融合A 四. Kalman多传感器融合B 五. Kalman多传感器融合C 六. Kalman多传感器融合D 七. Extend Kalman 本文总结 理论部分不详细说明,网上大部分都给出很好的解释 网上大部分都是理论和简单的例子,很少看到实战的信息 本博文是笔者实际使用的总结,如有错误,请不吝指教 Ka…
A Multi-Sensorial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) System for Low-Cost Micro Aerial Vehicles in GPS-Denied Environments 一种在无GPS环境中设计的面向低价微型飞行器的多传感器同步定位成图系统 学术编辑:Gonzalo Pajares Martinsanz收到:2017年1月25日:接受:2017年4月5日:发布时间:4月8日201 Abstract: O…