A new web-design studio, called SMART (Simply Masters of ART), employs two people. The first one is a web-designer and an executive director at the same time. The second one is a programmer. The director is so a nimble guy that the studio has already…
Language: Default The lazy programmer Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 1566   Accepted: 386 Description A new web-design studio, called SMART (Simply Masters of ART), employs two people. The first one is a web-designer and…
The lazy programmer Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 2785   Accepted: 703 Description A new web-design studio, called SMART (Simply Masters of ART), employs two people. The first one is a web-designer and an executive dire…
来源poj2970 A new web-design studio, called SMART (Simply Masters of ART), employs two people. The first one is a web-designer and an executive director at the same time. The second one is a programmer. The director is so a nimble guy that the studio h…
A new web-design studio, called SMART (Simply Masters of ART), employs two people. The first one is a web-designer and an executive director at the same time. The second one is a programmer. The director is so a nimble guy that the studio has already…
The KISS principle, or Keep It Simple, Stupid, spans many trades, industries, and professions. The more complex something is, the more ways there are for it to fail, and the more difficult it is to explain to someone else who needs to understand it.…
黑白图像直方图 发布时间: 2017年7月9日 18:30   最后更新: 2017年7月10日 21:08   时间限制: 1000ms   内存限制: 128M 描述 在一个矩形的灰度图像上,每个像素点或者是黑色的或者是白色的.黑色像素点用1表示,白色像素点用0表示.现在要求你编写一个程序,计算每列上黑色像素点的个数并输出.如下图所示是一个6∗8的黑板图像. 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1  0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0  1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0  0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 …
[译文]程序员能力矩阵 Programmer Competency Matrix [译文]程序员能力矩阵 Programmer Competency Matrix 注意:每个层次的知识都是渐增的,位于层次n,也蕴涵了你需了解所有低于层次n的知识. 计算机科学 Computer Science   2n (Level 0) n2 (Level 1) n (Level 2) log(n) (Level 3) Comments 数据结构 不知道数组和链表的差异 能够解释和使用数组,链表,字典等,并且能…
算法描述 lazy普利姆算法的步骤: 1.从源点s出发,遍历它的邻接表s.Adj,将所有邻接的边(crossing edges)加入优先队列Q: 2.从Q出队最轻边,将此边加入MST. 3.考察此边的两个端点,对两个端点重复第1步. 示例 从顶点0开始,遍历它的邻接表:边0-7.0-2.0-4.0-6会被加入优先队列Q. 顶点0的邻接表搜索完毕后,边0-7是最轻边,所以它会出队,并加入MST. 如下图: 边0-7出队后,开始考察边的两个端点: 顶点0已经访问过了,跳过: 顶点7还未探索,开始探索…
为了达到O(ElogV)的效率,需要对普利姆算法进行eager实现. 如果我们用java来做,jdk当中的priorityQueue并不能满足我们的要求. 因为我们需要进行一个对索引元素降key的操作(decrease-key). /** * 将索引所关联的key降到newKey * * @param index 索引 * @param newKey 新的key */ public void decreaseKey(int index, E newKey) { if (index < 0 ||…