问 Do TransactionScope work with closed database connections? using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required)) { // creates a new connection, does stuff, commit trans and close repos1.DoSomething(); // creates a new conn…
ArcCatalog 10中向SDE 数据集导入要素类时,出错:ERROR 000732:Output Geodatabase:Dataset Database Connections\Connection to localhost.sde\SDE.Dataset does not exist or is not supported. 查到http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301/article/details/6236373中提到了该错误. 解决方法: 将Output Lo…
1.window --> show view --> other --> Data Management --> Data Exploerer --> ok: 2.右键单击"Database Connections" --> New: 3.选择数据库,单击"Next": 4.单击"New Driver Definition": 5.选择版本,单击JAR List: 6.点击"Remove"删…
https://www.tutorialspoint.com/spring/spring_jdbc_framework.htm Spring - JDBC Framework Overview While working with the database using plain old JDBC, it becomes cumbersome to write unnecessary code to handle exceptions, opening and closing database…
mysql django 实践: django @transaction.atomic 机制分析  1.数据库清空表Tab 2.请求django-view        @transaction.atomic(using=settings.TRANSACTION_DEFAULT_USING)    def post(self, request):        serializer = self.serializer_class(data=request.data)              …
网上各式各样的问题,不过我的问题在于我开了Proxifier,导致链接localhost的时候被拦截...把Proxifier关了就好了 以后遇到这种问题.连不上数据库啊,连不上本地的服务器啊,先检查一下本机是否开了某种代理软件...…
P6 Professional Installation and Configuration Guide (Microsoft SQL Server Database) 16 R1       May 2016 Contents About This Guide...................................................................................... 11 Shared Topics in This Guide .…
Database API Introduction Basic Usage Selects Joins Aggregates Raw Expressions Inserts Updates Deletes Unions Introduction An improved Database API was recently added, which includes a QueryBuilder and a simple but powerful Model. Everything regardin…
SQL Server database administrators may frequently need in especially development and test environments  instead of the production environments to kill all the open connections to a  specific database in order to process SQL Server maintenance task ov…
Managing Windows Azure SQL Database using SQL Server Management Studio You can use Windows Azure SQL Database Management Portal or the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) client application to administer your SQL Database subscriptions and create and…
配置server,以tomcat为例 点击下图的tag 如果没有,就去这里找: 然后右键:new->server,根据你安装的server选择版本,然后finish就行了 然后你右键那个server可以选择start/stop,跟tomcat本身的startup.bat和shutdown.bat效果是一样的 //================== 配置database,以mysql-5.1为例 右击“Database Connections”,选择new 然后如果你是第一次配置的话,可能出现如…
In previous articles we have utilized NSUserDefaults and .NET web services to persist iPhone data. NSUserDefaults is idol for storing small amounts of data. Web services are used to store the data on a custom server. In this article we will take a lo…
Chapter6 Controlling Database Location,Creation Process, and Seed Data 第6章 控制数据库位置,创建过程和种子数据 In previous chapters you have seen how convention and configuration can be used to affect the model and the resulting database schema. In this chapter you wi…
本文内容为转载,重新排版以供学习研究.如有侵权,请联系作者删除. 转载请注明本文出处:Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 - 37 ADO.NET ------------------------------- What's In This Chapter? Connecting to the database Executing commands Calling stored procedures The ADO.NET object model Wrox.…
Build 4.0.0.Alpha1 =============================   ** Known BREAKING CHANGES from NH3.3.3.GA to 4.0.0       NHibernate now targets .Net 4.0. Many uses of set types from Iesi.Collections have     now been changed to use corresponding types from the BC…
本文内容为转载,供学习研究.如有侵权,请联系作者删除. 转载请注明本文出处:Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 - 37 ADO.NET 译文:C# 6 与 .NET Core 1.0 高级编程 - 37 章 ADO.NET ------------------------------- What’s In This Chapter? Connecting to the database Executing commands Calling stored pr…
/****************************************************************************** ** This file is an amalgamation of many separate C source files from SQLite ** version 3.14.1. By combining all the individual C code files into this ** single large file…
Introduction Apache Torque is an object-relational mapper for java. In other words, Torque lets you access and manipulate data in a relational database using java objects. Unlike most other object-relational mappers, Torque does not use reflection to…
Installing and Configuring DB2 Clients Running CLI/ODBC Programs The DB2 Call Level Interface (CLI) run-time environment and the ODBC driver are included with the DB2 Client Application Enabler. This is contained on the DB2 Client Application Enabler…
序言 在这一篇中,我们将演示EnitityFramework基本的建模[建模也是EntityFramework最核心的特性]范例,例如实体的分离和继承等.我们开始了演示如何创建一个简单的概念模型的例子,然后让EnitityFramework建立底层数据库.在余下的例子中,我们将告诉你如何从现有的表和数据库关系创建模型. 创建一个简单的Model 1.点击添加新建项,选择Data下的ADO.NET实体模型,并选择空模型. 2.右键选择新增实体 3.将实体命名为Person,实体集命名为People…
Handle faults that may take a variable amount of time to rectify when connecting to a remote service or resource. This pattern can improve the stability and resiliency of an application.在连接到一个远程服务或资源时,处理故障可能需要一个变量的时间来纠正.这种模式可以提高应用程序的稳定性和弹性. Context a…
Bridge Pattern, Composite Pattern, Decorator Pattern, Facade Pattern, COR Pattern, Proxy Pattern, template Pattern, MVC. Updated with the explanation of Composite pattern, Decorator Pattern and Template Pattern. Design Pattern Interview Question - Pa…
总体网上资料不多,包括esri帮助文档都写的很简单,没有各个string参数如match_option之类的可以输入的string限制,导致在摸索中gp.Execute时报错n回. 结合网上搜集资料及个人试验,总结下各个参数的用法.   代码在vs2010+AO10.1下测试通过. 简单代码示例: public void SpatialJoin() { // Spatial join 功能 Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor(); gp.OverwriteOut…
RIDE Installation 安装顺序:Python ---> setuptools & pip ---> Robot Framewok ---> wxPython(v2.8.12.1) ---> RIDE To set environment variable for Python, open environment variables setting, new a system variable named PYTHONPATH, set its value to…
前几天我看了一下zend framework 2的一些官方文档,也找了一些例子,可惜所有的资料少之甚少.于是我就开始去找这国外用的比较流行的PHP框架laravel,希望能够找到其合适的例子,而且我本就打算写一套后台管理系统,却正好发现了其扩展的包.Laravel-Administrator后台扩展包,提供了基本上通用的界面以及数据操作的例子,我们再也不需要自己去找模板了,特别在这个html5开始盛行的时候,一步步苦苦摸索实在太费时费力.做过后台的朋友不妨看看,这可以使你的工作更快快速和方便.…
1. If a method c++an be static, declare it static. Speed improvement is by a factor of 4. 如果一个方法可静态化,就对它做静态声明.速率可提升至4倍. 2. echo is faster than print. echo 比 print 快. 3. Use echo's multiple parameters instead of string concatenation. 使用echo的多重参数(译注:指用…
http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/application-initialization IIS7.5也有Warm Up功能 让ASP.NET第一次Request不变慢 Overview IIS Application Initialization for IIS 7.5 enables website administrators to improve the responsiveness of their Web sites by loading t…
(Note: Most are collected from Internet. 绝大部分内容来自互联网) 1. What's the difference between Hashtable and Dictionary? Hashtable and Dictionary  are collection of data structures to hold data as key-value pairs. The differences are: 1).Dictionary is generi…
http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2001/05/30/optimization.htmlComparing the performance of LinkedLists and ArrayLists (and Vectors) (Page last updated May 2001, Added 2001-06-18, Author Jack Shirazi, Publisher OnJava). Tips: ArrayList is faster than…
环境介绍:本机安装了ArcGIS Server10.2,ArcGIS Desktop10.2,64位Oracle11g以及Oracle32位客户端.直连和服务连接都能成功. 问题:我要进行服务发布的时候,为了避免数据打包上传到服务器,于是想先注册数据库,在注册界面填写如下参数: 然后点击OK,显示界面如下: 当我再点击OK的时候,Server检测数据库的连接情况,过了一会就报出machine:机器名[Oracle:(null)]的错误: 于是开始检查数据库的连接是否正常.在Database Co…