对于ASCII以及CHR函数的用法,Oracle给出的解释是: ASCII(x)gets the ASCII value of the character X, CHR() and ASCII() have the opposite effect. 即:ASCII函数是用于将字符转换成其相应的ASCII码,而CHR函数作用则恰好相反: 下面我来看一些简单的例子: SELECT ASCII('x'), ASCII('y'),ASCII('z') from dual; 语句执行的结果为 120,12…
今天项目中60秒倒计时模块需要用到GetTickCount(),这个函数,在此做下整理和总结. 1.定义 For Release configurations, this function returns the number of milliseconds since the device booted, excluding any time that the system was suspended. GetTickCount starts at 0 on boot and then cou…