Determine if a Sudoku is valid, according to: Sudoku Puzzles - The Rules. The Sudoku board could be partially filled, where empty cells are filled with the character '.'. A partially filled sudoku which is valid. Note:A valid Sudoku board (partially…
Determine if a 9x9 Sudoku board is valid. Only the filled cells need to be validated according to the following rules: Each row must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition. Each column must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition. Each of the 9 …
public class Solution { public bool IsValidSudoku(char[,] board) { ; i < ; i++) { var dic = new Dictionary<char, int>(); ; j < ; j++) { var num = board[i, j]; if (num == '.') { continue; } if (dic.ContainsKey(num)) { return false; } else { dic…
Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells. A sudoku solution must satisfy all of the following rules: Each of the digits 1-9 must occur exactly once in each row. Each of the digits 1-9 must occur exactly once in each column.…