AT2672 Coins】的更多相关文章

传送门 按理说想到转化问题之后就不难了吧,可是我还是不会写 一个很容易想到的转化就是差分,将银币数和铜币数都减去金币数,这样就转化为\(x+y+z\)个钱币选\(y\)个银币和\(z\)个铜币的最大数量了 然后我这个菜逼就不会做了 设总钱币数为\(n\),银币\(x[i]\)个,铜币\(y[i]\)个,就可以按\(x[i]-y[i]\)排序 然后很显然的就是一定是前\(k\)个选银币,后\(n-k\)个选铜币(显而易见的贪心) 枚举\(k\),用一个堆来维护就好了 代码: #include<cs…
You have a total of n coins that you want to form in a staircase shape, where every k-th row must have exactly k coins. Given n, find the total number of full staircase rows that can be formed. n is a non-negative integer and fits within the range of…
 Gym 101047M Removing coins in Kem Kadrãn Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Practice Description standard input/output Andréh and his friend Andréas are board-game aficionados. They know many of their friend…
传送门 Description Hasan and Bahosain want to buy a new video game, they want to share the expenses. Hasan has a set of N coins and Bahosain has a set of M coins. The video game costs W JDs. Find the number of ways in which they can pay exactly W JDs su… 1119: Collecting Coins Time Limit: 3 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 144  Solved: 35[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description In a maze of r rows and c columns, your task is to collect as many coin…
Description Whuacmers use coins.They have coins of value A1,A2,A3...An Silverland dollar. One day Hibix opened purse and found there were some coins. He decided to buy a very nice watch in a nearby shop. He wanted to pay the exact price(without chang…
Square Coins Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 7883    Accepted Submission(s): 5332 Problem Description People in Silverland use square coins. Not only they have square shapes but…   Description Farmer John has gone to town to buy some farm supplies. Being a very efficient man, he always pays for his goods in such a way that the smallest number of coins changes hands, i.e., the number of coins he…
The Fewest Coins Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 6299   Accepted: 1922 Description Farmer John has gone to town to buy some farm supplies. Being a very efficient man, he always pays for his goods in such a way that the sm…
Coins Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 34814   Accepted: 11828 Description People in Silverland use coins.They have coins of value A1,A2,A3...An Silverland dollar.One day Tony opened his money-box and found there were some…
Problem: You have a total of n coins that you want to form in a staircase shape, where every k-th row must have exactly k coins. Given n, find the total number of full staircase rows that can be formed. n is a non-negative integer and fits within the…
Problem Description Whuacmers use coins.They have coins of value A1,A2,A3...An Silverland dollar. One day Hibix opened purse and found there were some coins. He decided to buy a very nice watch in a nearby shop. He wanted to pay the exact price(witho…
There are n coins with different value in a line. Two players take turns to take one or two coins from left side until there are no more coins left. The player who take the coins with the most value wins. Could you please decide the first player will…
There are n coins in a line. Two players take turns to take one or two coins from right side until there are no more coins left. The player who take the last coin wins. Could you please decide the first play will win or lose? Have you met this questi…
Coins  HDU 2844 不能用最基础的多重背包模板:会超时的!!! 之后看了二进制优化了的多重背包. 就是把多重转变成01背包: 具体思路见: #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> using namespace std; ],a1[],a[],b[];… 题意: 有n个硬币,知道其价值A1.....An.数量C1...Cn.问在1到m价值之间,最多能组成多少种价值. 思路: dp[i]表示i价值能够组成的最大种数. New~ 欢迎“热爱编程”的高考少年——报考杭州电子科技大学计算机学院关于2015年杭电ACM暑期集训队的选拔 Coins Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 327…
Square Coins Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Problem Description People in Silverland use square coins. Not only they have square shapes but also their values are square numbers. Coins with values o…
  用硬币换钱 题目大意:就是有面值为A1,A2,A3....的硬币,各有C1,C2,C3...的数量,问在钱数为m的范围内,能换多少钱?(不找零) 这题看名字就知道是完全背包,但是这题又有点不一样,因为这题的硬币数不是无限的,所以我们要用点特殊的思路 因为这题要我们求的是可以整换的钱的面值数,我们只要保证位置合法就可以了,所以dp矩阵内我们可以以面值数的剩余量为dp量,对于j<面值的位置,我们全部设置为当前面值的硬币数量,当j>=面值时,我们考虑两个位置:1:当上一个位置的这个位置合法(也就…
Square Coins Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 6746    Accepted Submission(s): 4554 Problem DescriptionPeople in Silverland use square coins. Not only they have square shapes but a…
A - Coins Time Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:262144KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Description standard input/output Hasan and Bahosain want to buy a new video game, they want to share the expenses. Hasan has a set of N coins and Bahosain has a…
1048. Find Coins (25) Eva loves to collect coins from all over the universe, including some other planets like Mars. One day she visited a universal shopping mall which could accept all kinds of coins as payments. However, there was a special require…
Gold Coins Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 21767   Accepted: 13641 Description The king pays his loyal knight in gold coins. On the first day of his service, the knight receives one gold coin. On each of the next two days…
Coins Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 32977   Accepted: 11208 Description People in Silverland use coins.They have coins of value A1,A2,A3...An Silverland dollar.One day Tony opened his money-box and found there were some…
Square Coins Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 6416    Accepted Submission(s): 4336 Problem Description People in Silverland use square coins. Not only they have square shapes but…
F - Coins Time Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:30000KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice POJ 1742 Description People in Silverland use coins.They have coins of value A1,A2,A3...An Silverland dollar.One day Tony opened his money-b…
时间限制 50 ms 内存限制 65536 kB 代码长度限制 16000 B 判题程序 Standard 作者 CHEN, Yue Eva loves to collect coins from all over the universe, including some other planets like Mars. One day she visited a universal shopping mall which could accept all kinds of coins as p…
The Fewest Coins DescriptionFarmer John has gone to town to buy some farm supplies. Being a very efficient man, he always pays for his goods in such a way that the smallest number of coins changes hands, i.e., the number of coins he uses to pay plus…
Coins Time Limit: / MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: / K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): Accepted Submission(s): Problem Description Whuacmers use coins.They have coins of value A1,A2,A3...An Silverland dollar. One day Hibix opened purse and found t…
1.链接地址: 2.题目: 总Time Limit: 1000ms Memory Limit: 65536kB Description The king pays his loyal knight in gold coins. On the first day of his service, the knight receives one gold c…
hdu 2844 poj 1742 Coins 题目相同,但是时限不同,原本上面的多重背包我初始化为0,f[0] = 1;用位或进行优化,f[i]=1表示可以兑成i,0表示不能. 在poj上运行时间正好为时限3000ms....太慢了,hdu直接TLE(时限1s); 之 后发现其实并不是算法的问题,而是库函数的效率没有关注到.我是使用fill()按量初始化的,但是由于memset()可能是系统底层使用了四个字节拷 贝的函数(远比循环初始化快),效率要高得多..这就是为什么一直TLE的原因,fil…