cf982d Shark】的更多相关文章

ref #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <map> #include <set> using namespace std; typedef pair<int,int> par; int n; par a[100005]; set<par> se; map<int,int> mp; int main(){ ci…
经过两天的折腾,一个对c++和机器学习库的安装都一知半解的人终于在反复安装中,成功的将shark库安装好了,小小纪念一下,多亏了卡门的热心帮忙. shark的安装主要分为以下几个部分: (1)下载 shark,cmake,和boost 从这个网页里面可以找到这三项的下载地方 同时,这个也是shark安装指…
题 Today, Wet Shark is given n integers. Using any of these integers no more than once, Wet Shark wants to get maximum possible even (divisible by 2) sum. Please, calculate this value for Wet Shark. Note, that if Wet Shark uses no integers from the n …
题 There are n sharks who grow flowers for Wet Shark. They are all sitting around the table, such that sharks i andi + 1 are neighbours for all i from 1 to n - 1. Sharks n and 1 are neighbours too. Each shark will grow some number of flowers si. For i…
Shark是构建在Spark和Hive基础之上的数据仓库. 目前,Shark已经完成学术使命,终止开发,但其架构和原理仍具有借鉴意义. 它提供了能够查询Hive中所存储数据的一套SQL接口,兼容现有的Hive QL语法. 这样,熟悉Hive QL或者SQL的用户可以基于Shark进行快速的Ad-Hoc. Reporting等类型的SQL查询. Shark底层复用Hive的解析器. 优化器以及元数据存储和序列化接口. Shark会将Hive QL编译转化为一组Spark任务,进行分布式运算.…
  环境:shark(0.11分支编译)+spark 0.8+hive 0.11(编译)+hadoop 2.00 cdh4.4 用sharkserver的方式执行一段时间后,通过kit-b8连接到kit-b5的sharkserver上,执行时报以下错误: Hive history file=/tmp/hadoop/hive_job_log_hadoop_48828@kit-b8_201402180950_254775764.txt 5.118: [GC 262656K->24086K(10055…
1.部署环境 OS:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago) Hadoop:Hadoop 2.4.1 Hive:0.11.0 JDK:1.7.0_60 Python:2.6.6(spark集群需要python2.6以上,否则无法在spark集群上运行py) Spark:0.9.1(最新版是1.1.0) Shark:0.9.1(目前最新的版本,但是只能够兼容到spark-0.9.1,见shark 0.9.1 release) Zo…
C. Wet Shark and Flowers time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output There are n sharks who grow flowers for Wet Shark. They are all sitting around the table, such that sharks i and i …
B. Wet Shark and Bishops time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Today, Wet Shark is given n bishops on a 1000 by 1000 grid. Both rows and columns of the grid are numbered from 1 t…
A. Wet Shark and Odd and Even time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Today, Wet Shark is given n integers. Using any of these integers no more than once, Wet Shark wants to get ma…