_source field The _source field contains the original JSON document body that was passed at index time. The_source field itself is not indexed (and thus is not searchable), but it is stored so that it can be returned when executing fetch requests, li…
有很多人会有这样的一个疑问: _source字段存储的是索引的原始内容,那 store 属性的设置是为何呢?elasticsearch 为什么要把 store 的默认取值设置为 no?设置为 yes 是否是重复的存储呢? 我们将一个 field 的值写入 elasticsearch 中,是想在这个 field 上执行 search 操作.但是,如果不显式的将该 field 的 store 属性设置为yes,同时 _source 字段 enabled 的情况下,你仍然可以获取到这个 field 的…
摘自:https://es.xiaoleilu.com/070_Index_Mgmt/31_Metadata_source.html The _source field stores the JSON you send to Elasticsearch and you can choose to only return certain fields if needed, which is perfect for your use case. I have never heard that the…
最近在使用ELasitcsearch的时候,需要用到关键字搜索,因为是全字段搜索,就需要使用_all字段的query_string进行搜索. 但是在使用的时候,遇到问题了.我们的业务并不需要分词,我在各个字段也设置了,not_analyzed.但是在使用query_string对_all字段进行查询的时候, 发现结果还是分词的.最后在官网找到这么一段话: Remember that the _all field is just an analyzed string field. It uses…
_id field Each document indexed is associated with a _type (see the section called “Mapping Typesedit”) and an_id. The _id field is not indexed as its value can be derived automatically from the _uid field. The value of the _id field is accessible in…