本文摘自 Streiner DL.Maintaining standards: differences between the standard deviation and standarderror, and when to use each. Can J Psychiatry 1996; 41: 498–502. http://www.07net01.com/program/306401.html 标准差(Standard Deviation) 标准差,缩写为S.D., SD, 或者 s (…
Standard deviation, represented by the Greek Letter sigma σ, is a measure of dispersement in statistics. It shows you how spread out your data set it. In a normal distribution, the bulk (64.2%) of a data set is within one standard deviation from the…
Mean is average of a given set of data. Let us consider below example These eight data points have the mean (average) of 5: Variance is sum of squares of differences between all numbers and means.Deviation for above example. First, calculate the devi…
来源:https://blog.csdn.net/capecape/article/details/78623897 RMSE Root Mean Square Error, 均方根误差是观测值与真值偏差的平方和与观测次数 m 比值的平方根.是用来衡量观测值同真值之间的偏差MAE Mean Absolute Error ,平均绝对误差是绝对误差的平均值能更好地反映预测值误差的实际情况.标准差 Standard Deviation ,标准差是方差的算数平方根是用来衡量一组数自身的离散程度 RMSE…
ADMI,Average Directional Movement Index 平均方向性运动指标 Directional Movement Index,平均方向性运动指标.(2015.7.1)" title="75-ADMI,Average Directional Movement Index,平均方向性运动指标.(2015.7.1)"> Directional Movement Index,平均方向性运动指标.(2015.7.1)" title="…
Descriptive statistics tell you about the distribution of data points in data set. The most common measures are the mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation. For all the examples explained below, we will use the following fictional set of ma…
Measures of Variation 方差:measures of variation or measures of spread 源于range发现range不足以评估整个set(因为只用到largest and smallest value),所以有了方差 The Sample Standard Deviation: 偏差:How far, on average, the observations are from the mean: 几何意义: 必须取绝对值,否则第二列sum=0(因…
7.2 The Mean and Standard Deviation of the Sample Mean Recall that the mean of a variable is denoted μ, subscripted if necessary with the letter representing the variable. So the mean of x is written as μx , the mean of y as μy , and so on. In parti…
搜集整理了2004~2015性能最好的人脸检测的部分资料,欢迎交流和补充相关资料. 1:人脸检测性能 1.1 人脸检测测评 目前有两个比较大的人脸测评网站: 1:Face Detection Data Set and Benchmark(FDDB) 网址:http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/fddb/results.html FDDB是由马萨诸塞大学计算机系维护的一套公开数据库,为来自全世界的研究者提供一个标准的人脸检测评测平台,其中涵盖在自然环境下的各种姿态的人脸:该校还维…
· 来源:http://www.dxy.cn/bbs/thread/6492633#6492633 6楼: “据我所知,SD( standard deviation )反应的是观测值的变异性,其表示平均数的代表性,而SEM是 standard error of mean, 是平均数的抽样误差,反应平均数的抽样准确性,由于真实值是不知道的,统计估计值的准确性无法度量,但利用统计学方法可以度量精确性.试验的误差来源有系统误差和抽样误差(随机误差),系统误差易于克服,抽样误差由许多无法控制的内因和外因…