在ORACLE数据中修改会话级临时表时,有可能会遇到ORA-14550错误,那么为什么会话级全局临时表会报ORA-14450错误呢,如下所示,我们先从一个小小案例入手: 案例1: SQL> CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE TEMP_TEST 2 ( 3 NAME VARCHAR2(12) 4 ) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS;   Table created.   SQL> INSERT INTO TEMP_TEST VALUES('kerry')…
cannot access the system temp folder. please, make sure your application have full control rights on that folder or chect radupload 2.x help --> using radupload --> configuration --> configuring the raduploadhttpmodule RAD上传控件在服务器报错. 原因不明. 解决方案没有…
造成错误的原因是用bat代码清理系统垃圾时造成的权限丢失而引起的 错误描述 1.An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for RewriterConfig: Access to the temp directory is denied.  Identity 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' under which XmlSerializer is running does not ha…
Tow kinds of temp table data keep method. One is delete when commit Anothe one is preseve when commit. E.g: But data in temp table is connection in-dependent 所以一个问题需要注意的是:如果多线程使用不用的 DB connection 是无法数据互通的…
在Oracle8i或以上版本中,可以创建以下两种临时表: 1.会话特有的临时表 CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY <TABLE_NAME> ( <column specification> ) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS: 2.事务特有的临时表 CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY <TABLE_NAME> ( <column specification> ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS: CREA…
範例 SQL: IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb.dbo.#tmp_checkStatusCount', N'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmp_checkStatusCount SELECT ), s.UpdateTime, ) as updateTime, e.checkStatus, count(*) as amount into tempdb.dbo.#tmp_checkStatusCount FROM Errorcode as e WITH(NOL…
DeployingCustomizations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 This documentdescribes how to deploy customizations in an Oracle E-Business Suite Release12.2 environment. Follow these instructions to ensure that your customizationsare handled appropr…
从接触ORACLE到深入学习,已有好几年了,虽然写的博客不多,质量也参差不齐,但是,它却是成长的历程的点点滴滴的一个见证,见证了我在这条路上的寻寻觅觅,朝圣的心路历程,现在将ORACLE方面的博客整理.归纳分类,方便自己和大家查看.翻阅.  ORACLE数据类型 ORACLE基本数据类型总结 ORACLE VARCHAR2最大长度问题 ORACLE数据库汉字占几个字节问题 ORACLE NUMBER类型Scale为0引发的问题 PL/SQL语法学习 PLSQL 调试触发器 PL/SQL重新编译包…
所有的操作都在一个事务里,事务提交后,此表清空,特别适合做插入删除频率特别高的临时表操作,比如插入完数据就开始查询,查询完就删掉等,用完就扔! 临时表分事务级临时表和会话级临时表. 事务级临时表只对当前事务有效,通过语句:ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS 指定. 会话级临时表对当前会话有效,通过语句:ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS语句指定. -- Create table create global temporary table WFM_TMP_WORKLIST (…
ORA-14450 attempt to access a transactional temp table already in use Cause: An attempt was made to access a transactional temporary table that has been already populated by a concurrent transaction of the same session. Action: Do not attempt to acce…