2.1 Producer API We encourage all new development to use the new Java producer. This client is production tested and generally both faster and more fully featured than the previous Scala client. You can use this client by adding a dependency on the c…
在上一篇kafka入门的基础之上,本篇主要介绍Kafka的生产者和消费者. Kafka 生产者 kafka Producer发布消息记录到Kakfa集群.生产者是线程安全的,可以在多个线程之间共享生产者实例.一个简单的例子,使用producer发送一个有序的key/value(键值对),放到java的main方法里就能直接运行, public class ProducerDemo { private static final String KAFKA_TOPIC="kafka-topic&quo…
一.含义 CommitFailedException异常:位移提交失败时候抛出的异常.通常该异常被抛出时还会携带这样的一段话: Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions to another member. This means that the time between subsequent calls to poll() was longer th…