问题描述: arcgis server10.1  arcgis sde10出现下面问题 Cannot connect to  database because the database client software failed to load. Be sure the database client software is installed and configured correctly. 由于数据库客户端软件无法加载,无法连接到数据库.请确保数据库客户端软件已安装和配置正确. 找原因:…
如果在一台电脑中同时安装oracle的客户端和服务器端软件, 一定要先安装oracle database 服务端,并进行相应的配置 listener.ORA. 然后再去安装oracle client 客户端,再进行 tnsname.ora的配置,本地连接等. 设置系统环境变量.ORACLE_HOME 由于本机安装了,oracle11g database ,oracle 10g client . 一定要设置oracle_HOME 变量值设为:D:\app\deng\product\11.2.0\d…
Skip Headers Oracle® Database Patch 19121551 - Database Patch Set Update (Includes CPUOct2014)   Released: October 14, 2014 This document is accurate at the time of release. For any changes and additional information regarding PSU…
使用duplicate target database ... from active database复制数据库 source db:ora11auxiliary db:dupdb 1.修改监听文件,静态注册监听 SID_LIST_ORA11 = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = ora11) (ORACLE_HOME = /u11/app/oracle/product//dbhome_1) (SID_NAME =ora11) ) (SID_DE…
primary database db_name=zwc, db_unique_name=zwc standby database db_name=zwc, db_unique_name=standby on primary database [oracle@vmdb12c ~]$ sqlplus sys/oracle@zwc as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Sep 26 16:12:10 2013 Copyrig…
<Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录>  Azure SQL Database (19) Stretch Database 概览      Azure SQL Database (20) 使用SQL Server 2016 Upgrade Advisor      Azure SQL Database (21) 将整张表都迁移到Azure Stretch Database里      Azure SQL Database (22) 迁移部分数据到Azure Stretc…
DELETE DATABASE and DELETE USER statements delete all data tables, views, and macros from a database or user. The database or user remains in the Teradata Database as a named object and retains the available space. None of that space is any longer in…
昨天在工作中遇到一个情况,就是Development环境中的某台服务器上的某个数据库进入了Suspect状态.以前看书倒是知道说这个状态,不过实际工作当中从来没有遇到过.那么一些背景情况是这样的. 环境:Development 数据库产品:SQL Server 2008 R2 数据库业务类型:DataWare House 数据库恢复模式:Simple 备份情况:每天就一个备份 在Google上查询了相关资料加上自己对于这种情况已有的储备知识,首先我第一部先到SQL Server Log里面查找最…
The database table has a physical existence in the database. A view is a virtual table, that is one that does not actually exist. View is made up of a query on one or many tables in a database. In database theory, a view is the result set of a stored…
w分布式查询.数据聚合.跨碎片join是可且应避免的.自增主键管理.基于-会话/事务/语句-选择碎片.通过-主键/模块/碎片索引-碎片化数据 http://www.agildata.com/database-sharding/ Database Sharding Challenges Due to the distributed nature of individual databases, a number of key elements must be taken into account:…