也就是说,当我拿着U盘启动盘,从你电脑里面拷贝了注册表的几个文件,大部分数据就已经到我手中了.一起来感受一下吧. 来源:Unit 6: Windows File Systems and Registry 6.1 Windows File Systems and Registry Windows Registry 使用工具:Access Data Registry Viewer的演示版(demo version) 查看注册表hives, SAM, System, 和ntuser.net文件 注册表…
windows安全账号管理(SAM) Unveilling The Password Encryption Process Under Windows –a Practical Attack 上述这篇论文提到了注册表: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM\SAM\Domains的两个子键: 1. Account subkey: Administrator andGuest ;2. BuiltIn subkey: operating system users defined by def…