CMenu and Dialog-based applications】的更多相关文章

[问] Is it possible to put a menu in a dialog based application? How? [答] Yes, it is possible to add menu to the dialog based applications. You can create the menu as a resource and attach the same to the dialog. If you open the properties for dialog,…
基于MFC对话框的应用程序在响应按键消息和热键方面都力不从心,CDialog类的消息循环中去掉了TranslateAccelerator函数,因此不能响应热键:同时由于对话框上可能有很多控件,且默认情况下这些子窗口已经截获了焦点,因此键盘消息已经被控件捕获了:同时为了实现控件焦点切换和对话框默认行为,  VK_TAB.VK_LEFT.VK_RIGHT.VK_UP.VK_DOWN. VK_RETURN.VK_ESCAPE 等键已经被截获处理,因此对话框没有控件时仍然不能完全响应按键消息.    …
原文链接地址: Introduction Yes, that is another-another splitter control. This control based the control of this (Another splitter control for dialog). I have taken some changes of the…
档 ID 420787.1 White Paper Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Access Control for Custom Code Checked for relevance on 12-JAN-2011 See Change Record This document discusses how to update the customization code that is affected by the access con…
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SIP Proxies SBO SIP Proxy Bypass All types of Internet Firewall JAIN-SIP Proxy Mini-SIP-Proxy A very tiny perl POE based SIP proxy MjServer cross-platform SIP proxy/registrar/redirect, written in java, based on MjSip stack MySIPSwitch SIP Proxy serve…
Open Source GIS and Freeware GIS Applications   An open source application by definition is software that you can freely access and modify the source code for. Open source projects typically are worked on by a community of volunteer programmers.  Ope…
How fast is Redis? Redis includes the redis-benchmark utility that simulates running commands done by N clients at the same time sending M total queries (it is similar to the Apache's ab utility). Below you'll find the full output of a benchmark exec…
What is load testing? - Load testing is to test that if the application works fine with the loads that result from large number of simultaneous users, transactions and to determine weather it can handle peak usage periods. What is Performance testing…
与调试器交互的几种方法: 1.单行运行或者单指令运行 2.中断程序运行 3.设置断点 4.检查调用栈空间的内容 5.检查并修改局部或者全局变量 6.检查并修改被调试程序的寄存器和内存内容 7.检查装载的共享库列表 8.反汇编代码段 9.创建当前被调试程序状态快照并在之后重新检测 调试器的使用 在调试模式中,可以选择Window->Views,打开需要的视窗查看相应的数据.默认情况下,视窗都是锁定在workspace中的,可以选择Window->Views->Locked取消锁定,视窗支持…
HP LoadRunner Readme for the Windows operating system Software version: 11.00 Publication date: October 2010 This file provides information about LoadRunner version 11.00. •What's New •Installation and Configuration Information •Notes and Limitations…
请管理员移至新闻版块,谢谢! 来源: 财务报表下载↓ 此文仅作参考分析. 10-K 1 goog2013123110-k.htm FORM 10-K   UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549         FORM 10-K   (Mark One)       ý ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(…
WTL简单介绍 关键词: WTL WTL是一个好东东.它开发的程序都很短小精悍.对开发WIN32的应用有很好的优点.它不用MFC开发.但可以高速产生窗体和控件. 以文本方式查看主题 -  温馨小筑  (  电脑编程  (  WTL简单介绍  (…
在LoadRunner中为什么要设置思考时间和pacing 答: 录制时记录的是客户端和服务端的交互,如果要精确模拟 用户的行为,那么客户操作客户端时花费了很多时间要怎么模拟呢?录入 填写提交的内容,从列表中下拉搜索选择特定的值等,这时LOADRUNNER 不会记录用户 的客户端操作,而是记录了用户这段时间,成为思考时间(Think-time),因为用户的这些客户端操作不会影响服务端,只是让服务器端在这段时间内没有请求而已.,所以加入思考时间就能模拟出熟练的或者生疏的用户操作,接近实际对于服务端…
Unit1 SAP systems(SAP系统) 1.1 Explain the Key Capabilities of SAP NetWeaver(解释SAP NetWeaver的关键能力) Repository里显示的都是SAP系统里的东西 SAP Netweaver Capabilities User productivity(用户生产力) Business Intelligence Business Process Composition(即业务组合,用户使用composite appl…
原文:Finding Memory Leaks in WPF-based applications There are numbers of blogs that folks wrote about memory leaks in Microsoft .Net Framework managed code and unmanaged code based applications. In this blog I wanted to: Show coding practices that can…
Microsoft hosted its premier fall developer event – Connect(); // 2016 in New York on November 16-17, and streamed it live and for free on Channel 9 to developers around the world. While we may be a little late in doing a recap, we wanted to take our…
Qt WebEngine模块提供了一个web浏览器, 在不使用本地浏览器的情况下, 它可以很容易地把Web内容嵌入到Qt应用程序中. Qt WebEngine为渲染HTML, XHTML和SVG文档, 使用CSS和JavaScript, 提供了C++类和QML类型 Qt WebEngine架构 Qt WebEngine的功能分成下列模块: Qt WebEngine Widgets 模块: 用于创建基于Widget的web应用. Qt WebEngine 模块: 用于创建基于Qt Quick的we…
新闻 丧心病狂or形势所迫?谈谈Android奇葩的"链式启动" 传闻称Android TV将更名为Google TV 谷歌官宣Android 11 Beta发布会:6月3日见 教程 协程 Flow 最佳实践 | 基于 Android 开发者峰会应用 用好 Require,check,assert,写好 Kotlin 代码 Flutter 1.17 | 2020 首个稳定版发布! 开源库 InsGallery Instagram-like image picker for Androi…
通过爬虫 获取 官方文档库 如果想获取 相应的库 修改对应配置即可 代码如下 from urllib.parse import urljoin import requests from lxml import etree def get_data(page_num, key, file_name): """ 解析 page_num: 爬取页数 key: 爬取的关键字 file_name: 存入的文件 """ headers = { 'author…
原文地址: Spring provides a range of annotations with names starting with Enable*, these annotations in essence enable certain Spring managed features t…
wxWidgets Code::Blocks环境 Code::Blocks下载: Code::Blocks使用: codeblocks-16.01mingw-setup.exe 它的gcc版本为4.9.2,也可在设置中对其进行更改 ## wxMSW-3.1.0_gcc492下载: ## wxMSW-3.1.0\_gcc492TDM\_Dev.7z wxMSW-3.1.0\_gcc492TDM\_ReleaseDLL.7z wxWidgets-3.1.0-headers.7z Code::Bloc…
原文: Purpose (目的) Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) provides developers with an HTTP client application programming interface (API) to send requests through the HTT…
前言:在SharePoint使用中,经常纠结于版本问题,SharePoint 2013主要有免费的Foundation和收费的标准版.企业版三个版本,他们之间的功能上是不一样的,找了一些资料才发现下面的这个表格,还是很清楚的描述了各个版本的区别,拿过来给大家看看.大家如果想看原版的,我附加链接在最后,点进去看即可,还可以下载PDF文件.   Foundation Standard Enterprise Developer       Access Services No No Yes App C…
最近项目需要搭建新工程,打算使用微服务的形式搭建便于后期拓展.看了一圈发现springboot易于搭建,配置简单,强化注解功能,"just run". Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run". We take an opinionated view of the Spring…下载 WindowsDownload Flash Player for Opera and Chromium based applications – PPAPI 安装-重启浏览器…
在Fragnment弹窗提示 XML <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:gravity="center_vertical" android:orien…
地址:作者:Jekkay Hu(关键词:Windows,curl,ssl,  visual c++ 2005, libcurl, https,网页抓取时间: 2014/2/18 1. 概述 由于Curl提供强大的网络功能,支持HTTP,HTTPS, DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S…
原文地址: In my previous post "Why Spring Boot?", we looked at how to create a Spring Boot application, but you may or may not understand what is going on behind the scenes. You…
1.CPtrArray指针数组 2.CPtrArray返回void指针,需要做类型转换 3.View类中的OnPaint调用OnPrepareDC和OnDraw,如果覆盖OnPaint,就不会调用OnDraw(除非显式调用) 4.坐标空间 Coordinate Spaces and Transformations Win32®-based applications use coordinate spaces and transformations to scale, rotate, transl…