前言 使用matlab通过摄像头获取图像进行处理: 问题描述 使用matalb调用摄像头时出现错误: >> imaqhwinfo Warning: No Image Acquisition adaptors found. Image acquisition adaptors may be available as downloadable support packages. Open Support Package Installer to install additional vendors…
Q: std::thread fs_module(fs_process, prob_orig, fb_sz, line_num, probp, plabel, std::ref(confidence_level)) ; fs_module.detach(); A: I could compile your code successfully with MSVC2013. However, thread() works passing copies of its argument to the n…
Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986 Tomcat接收到的请求的URI中包含了不合法的字符,比如 { } ( ) ^ ` \ | # \\ 这些字符在RFC (Request Format Comment)文档中有规定,不能被用在Request Header,也就是request的URI中. 查看tomcat源码 a…