limits.h文件中规定了是IDE在OS中规定了每个数据类型的最大值和最小值以及在程序源代码中编译时候所占用的字节数,这这样做有利于帮助程序员在编写程序的时候有效控制在选择合适数据类型的显示范围值. /*** *limits.h - implementation dependent values * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * Contains defines for a n…
转: There definitely are subtle differences. If the protocol you are talking about is a delegate that is used by one particular class, for example, MySpecialViewController, and M…
手编的交叉编译工具链经常报一堆宏未定义,例如下面是编译gtest的时候报_POSIX_PATH_MAX宏未定义,有时还会上报SSIZE_MAX等宏未定义: googletest/src/ In static member function 'static testing::internal::FilePath testing::internal::FilePath::GetCurrentDir()':googletest/src/gtest-filepath.…
Visual C++ Concepts: Building a C/C++ ProgramCompiler Warning (level 1) C4627Error Message": skipped when looking for precompiled header useWhile searching for the location where a precompiled header is used, the compiler encountered an #include dire…
这些数据类型的sizeof具体长度依赖于编译器和操作系统(32-bit or 64-bit) 1: 首先,参见c99标准 标准中没有定义这些数据类型的长度,而是定义了这些数据类型能表达的大小范围的最小极限. C99链接: The C++ standard does not specify the size of integral types in bytes, but it spe…
用C++写程序,肯定要用预编译头文件,就是那个stdafx.h.不过我一直以为只要在.cpp文件中包含stdafx.h 就使用了预编译头文件,其实不对.在VC++中,预编译头文件是指放到stdafx.h中的头文件才会有效果.如下: file: stdafx.h // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, // or project specific include files that are used freque…