Skyscrapers Aren’t Scalable】的更多相关文章

 Skyscrapers Aren't Scalable Michael Nygard WE oFTEn HEAR SoFTWARE EnginEERing CoMpAREd to building sky- scrapers, dams, or roads. It's true in some important aspects. The hardest part of civil engineering isn't designing a building that will stand…
Scalable IO in Java 基本上所有的网络处理程序都有以下基本的处理过程:Read requestDecode requestProcess serviceEncode replySend reply Classic Service Designs 简单的代码实现: class Server implements Runnable { public void run() { try { Se…
注意:本文含有一些数学公式,如果chrome不能看见公式的话请用IE打开网站 1.特征点提取   特征点提取有以下几个步骤: a.尺度空间金字塔结构的构造 和SIFT类似,尺度空间金字塔是由不同的尺度构成,相互连续的两个尺度之间由Octave构成. 我们令t表示尺度,它们之间的计算关系如下: 图像的大小为(width, height),举个例子: width,  height scale1-octave1 (2/3)width, (2/3)height scale1-octave2 (1/2)w…
This article is from blog of Amazon CTO Werner Vogels. -------------------- Today is a very exciting day as we release Amazon DynamoDB, a fast, highly reliable and cost-effective NoSQL database service designed for internet scale applications. Dynamo…
ABSTRACT Recent technological advancement have led to a deluge of data from distinctive domains (e.g., health care and scientific sensors, user-generated data, Internet and financial companies, and supply chain systems) over the past two decades. The…
原文地址: 可伸缩性(可扩展性)是一种对软件系统计算处理能力的设计指标,高可伸缩性代表一种弹性,在系统扩展成长过程中,软件能够保证旺盛的生命力,通过很少的改动甚至只是硬件设备的添置,就能实现整个系统处理能力的线性增长,实现高吞吐量和低延迟高性能. 可伸缩性和纯粹性能调优有本质区别, 可伸缩性是高性能.低成本和可维护性等诸多因素的综合考量和平衡,可伸缩性讲究平滑线性的性能提升,更侧重于系统的水平伸缩,通过廉价的服务器实现分布式计算:…
原文地址: 论文概况 论文名称:CRUSH: Controlled, Scalable, Decentralized Placement of Replicated Data论文作者:Sage A. Weil Scott A. Brandt Ethan L. Miller Carlos Maltz…
原文地址:陈晓csdn博客 论文概况 论文名称:Ceph: A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System论文作者:Sage A. Weil Scott A. Brandt Ethan L. Miller Darrell D. E. Long Carlos Maltzahn论文发表单位:University of Californi…
文章名称:NFV-Based Scalable Guaranteed-Bandwidth Multicast Service for Software Defined ISP Networks 发表时间:2017 期刊来源:IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 解决问题: 1.如何避免在SDN控制器上内爆IGMP组成员消息. 2.如何在软件定义的ISP网络中以低成本部署保证带宽多播服务,同时与尽力而为的流量友好. 3.为解决第一个…
Scalable Object Detection using Deep Neural Networks 作者: Dumitru Erhan, Christian Szegedy, Alexander Toshev, and Dragomir Anguelov 引用: Erhan, Dumitru, et al. "Scalable object detection using deep neural networks." Proceedings of the IEEE Confere…