Deep Learning Research Groups Some labs and research groups that are actively working on deep learning: University of Toronto - Machine Learning Group (Geoffrey Hinton, Rich Zemel, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Brendan Frey, Radford Neal) Université de Montr…
最近deep learning大火,不仅仅受到学术界的关注,更在工业界受到大家的追捧.在很多重要的评测中,DL都取得了state of the art的效果.尤其是在语音识别方面,DL使得错误率下降了大约30%,取得了显著的进步,现在如果哪个做语音识别的公司没用DL,都不好意思打招呼了,相信后续这种状况还会延伸到图像和自然语言处理等其它领域. deep learning本身算是machine learning的一个分支,简单可以理解为neural network的发展.大约二三十年前,neu…
Deep Learning Tutorials Deep Learning is a new area of Machine Learning research, which has been introduced with the objective of moving Machine Learning closer to one of its original goals: Artificial Intelligence. See these course notes for a brief…
Datasets These datasets can be used for benchmarking deep learning algorithms: Symbolic Music Datasets classical piano pieces ( Nottingham : over 1000 folk tunes ( MuseData: ele…