Recently, I have read a paper about the integration of deep learing and neuroscience, which elaborates the two recent developments emerged within machine learning and presents three hypothesis about the brain in term of ANN's working mechanism. I wil…
Understanding Memory in Deep Learning Systems: The Neuroscience, Psychology and Technology Perspectives 2018-08-05 18:50:06 This blog is copied from:…
The Brain vs Deep Learning Part I: Computational Complexity — Or Why the Singularity Is Nowhere Near July 27, 2015July 27, 2015 Tim Dettmers Deep Learning, NeuroscienceDeep Learning, dendritic spikes, high performance computing, neuroscience, singula…
头脑一热,坐几十个小时的硬座北上去天津大学去听了门4天的深度学习课程,课程预先的计划内容见:上课老师为微软研究院的大牛——邓力,群(qq群介绍见:Deep learning高质量交流群)里面有人戏称邓力(拼音简称DL)老师是天生注定能够在DL(Deep learning)领域有所成就的,它的个人主页见:这次我花费这么…
学习DL搁置很久了,终于下定决心开始咯~~ Deep Learning(Ian Goodfellow&&Yoshua Bengio&&Aaron Courville)-原书来源: 从人工智能说起,谈到人工智能要解决的问题.在早期,人工智能倾向于研究那些对人类来说困难,但对机器来说相对直接而简单的问题,这些问题的共同点在于可以很容易用形式化的数学规则来描述.而人工智能面临的真正挑战在于解决那些对人来说容易,但很难…
Deep Learning in a Nutshell: Core Concepts This post is the first in a series I’ll be writing for Parallel Forall that aims to provide an intuitive and gentle introduction todeep learning. It covers the most important deep learning concepts and aims…
Deep Learning in a Nutshell: Core Concepts Share:   Posted on November 3, 2015by Tim Dettmers 7 CommentsTagged cuDNN, Deep Learning, Deep Neural Networks, Machine Learning,Neural Networks   This post is the first in a series I’ll be writing for Paral…
Applied Deep Learning Resources A collection of research articles, blog posts, slides and code snippets about deep learning in applied settings. Including trained models and simple methods that can be used out of the box. Mainly focusing on Convoluti…
Machine and Deep Learning with Python Education Tutorials and courses Supervised learning superstitions cheat sheet Introduction to Deep Learning with Python How to implement a neural network How to build and run your first deep learning network Neur…
DEEP LEARNING IS THE FUTURE: Q&A WITH NAVEEN RAO OF NERVANA SYSTEMS CME Group was one of several companies taking part in a $20.5 million funding round for the San Diego startup, Nervana Systems. The company specializes in a biologically inspired for…