使用Navicat 连接工具连接mysql数据库. mysql数据库建立后,导入sql文件报错: [Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'INSERT INTO sys_dict(dict,dictname) VALUES ('rsflag_h…
项目导入出错:移动项目的时候.classpath .project不要删 build path -> use for source floder 把某一文件夹当作源码文件夹 bulid path -> add jre and tomcat jars 把jdk和tomcat的包导进去 svn only store source floder ,don't commit config files,its about you own computer. svn只需要上传源代码和配置文件,.clas…