其实思路很简单,套用一下普通斐波那契数列的非递归做法即可,不过这个成绩我一定要纪念一下,哈哈哈哈哈 代码在这儿: class Solution: def tribonacci(self, n: int) -> int: a, b, c =0, 1, 1 if n is 0: return 0 if n is 1: return 1 if n is 2: return 1 for i in range(2, n): a, b ,c = b, c, a+b+c return c…
problem 1137. N-th Tribonacci Number solution: class Solution { public: int tribonacci(int n) { ) ; || n==) ; , t1 = , t2 = , t3 = ; ; i<=n; i++) { t3 = t0+t1+t2; t0 = t1; t1 = t2; t2 = t3; } return t3; } };     参考 1. Leetcode_easy_1137. N-th Tribona…
转载一个shell统计linux系统中每个程序的内存使用情况,因为内存结构非常复杂,不一定100%精确,此shell可以在Ghub上下载. [root@db231 ~]# ./memstat.sh Private + Shared = RAM used Program 540.78 mb + 175.56 mb = 716.35 mb oracle(25) 24.50 mb + 327.00 kb = 24.82 mb iscsiuio 15.37 mb + 341.00 kb = 15.70…
Memory Usage On linux, there are commands for almost everything, because the gui might not be always available. When working on servers only shell access is available and everything has to be done from these commands. So today we shall be checking th…
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/memleaks-137499.html 3.1 Meaning of OutOfMemoryError One common indication of a memory leak is the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error. This error is thrown when there is insufficient space to allocate an ob…
High Level Tips for Redis Most of Stream-Framework's users start out with Redis and eventually move to Cassandra because Redis becomes too expensive to host. Stream, our hosted API for building scalable newsfeeds & activity streams is also based on C…
Shell script for logging cpu and memory usage of a Linux process http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-and-scripting/223177-shell-script-logging-cpu-memory-usage-linux-process.html…
实际遇到的真实问题,解决方法: 1.调整虚拟内存率yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio (这个hadoop默认是2.1) 2.调整map与reduce的在AM中的大小大于yarn里RM可分配的最小值yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb 大小因为在Container中计算使用的虚拟内存来自 map虚拟内大小=max(yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb,mapreduce.map.memory.mb…
That is because your web application has a memory leak. A common issue are "PermGen" memory leaks. They happen because the Classloader (and the Class objects it loaded) cannot be recycled unless some requirements are met (*). They are stored in…
异常问题:Container is running beyond virtual memory limits. Current usage: 119.5 MB of 1 GB physical memory used; 2.2 GB of 2.1 GB virtual memory used. Killing container. spark-submit提交脚本: [spark@master work]$ more submit.sh #! /bin/bash jars="" for…