
一.概念     CronJobs提供了在特定的时间或者间隔内处理业务逻辑的方法.一般创建一个Cronjob有两种方式,第一种是定义Java类,由Hybris生成脚本并加入数据库.第二种是直接编写groovy脚本语言并插入数据库,这种应该适合逻辑比较少的时候,比如只有一两句逻辑的时候,一般用得比较少. 二.定义Java类创建CronJobs 1.先写要实现的job类 public class SyncAliExpressOrder extends AbstractJobPerformable<C…
命令说明 $ type cmd # 获取命令类型 $ which cmd # 命令的位置 $ help cmd / cmd --help / man cmd # 获取命令帮助 $ whatis cmd # 命令描述信息 Linux – filesystem path notation Notation Desc / the root directory . the current working directory .. the parent directory (i.e. one direct…
一.编写自定义django-admin命令 注:利用django-admin自定义命令我们可以ORM框架对model进行操作,如:定时更新数据库,检测数据库状态..... Django为项目中每一个应用下的management/commands目录中名字没有以下划线开始的Python模块都注册了一个manage.py命令,例如: polls/ management/ commands/ _private.…
This article discusses setting up up an integrated IPSec/L2TP VPN using Radius and integrating it with Microsoft Windows clients. Introduction and Planning The software installed is going to be based on Debian packages as far as it is possible. If we…
Kubernetes1.5正式发布 修复了很多已知问题 进一步增强federation相关特性 将PetSet改名为StatefulSet 将ScheduledJobs改名为CronJobs 新增了命令kubectl,用于操作federation 增加了命令kubectl cp 增加了对Microsoft Azure公有云负载均衡支持 在windows server 2016上运行kubernetes,以便支持windows容器 等等…
转载来自: In many php applications there are multiple tasks that need to be run via cron at different time…
django-crontab实现定时任务 1 django-crontab安装 django-crontab安装: django-crontab加入:只需要将INSTALLED_APPS即可.如下代码: INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django_crontab', ... ) 2 django-crontab配置 django-crontab可以定时运行自定义命令和函数两种方式,因为之前尝试用command+crontab时已经实现了自定义command,所以自然而然使用了自定义命令… In many php applications there are multiple tasks that need to be run via cron at different times. In a typical application you may be doing the following tasks via…
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Contributing Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock! If you see a package or project here that…
Opennstack Open source software for creating private and public clouds Manages the servers at these sites so you can create Virtual Machines (VMs) for your apps / services to run on Can create VMs using the UI or through scripts Once created, can cli…