# 建立数据库用户及权限 create database nova; grant all privileges on nova.* to nova@'localhost' identified by 'Abc@123'; grant all privileges on nova.* to nova@'%' identified by 'Abc@123'; create database nova_api; grant all privileges on nova_api.* to nova@'l…
# 建立数据库用户及权限 create database neutron; grant all privileges on neutron.* to neutron@'localhost' identified by 'Abc@123'; grant all privileges on neutron.* to neutron@'%' identified by 'Abc@123'; flush privileges; # 建立用户.角色.服务.项目.域.端点 source ~/.opensta…
# 建立数据库用户及权限 create database placement; grant all privileges on placement.* to placement@'localhost' identified by 'Abc@123'; grant all privileges on placement.* to placement@'%' identified by 'Abc@123'; flush privileges; # 建立用户.角色.服务.项目.域.端点 source…
# 建立数据库用户及权限 create database glance; grant all privileges on glance.* to glance@'localhost' identified by 'Abc@123'; grant all privileges on glance.* to glance@'%' identified by 'Abc@123'; flush privileges; # 建立用户.角色.服务.项目.域.端点 source ~/.openstack_ad…
# 建立数据库用户及权限 create database keystone; grant all privileges on keystone.* to keystone@'localhost' identified by 'Abc@123'; grant all privileges on keystone.* to keystone@'%' identified by 'Abc@123'; flush privileges; # 安装程序包 yum install -y openstack-…
# source demo-openrc.sh # ssh-keygenGenerating public/private rsa key pair.Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):Enter same passphrase again:Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh…