leeetcode 735. Asteroid Collision】的更多相关文章

We are given an array asteroids of integers representing asteroids in a row. For each asteroid, the absolute value represents its size, and the sign represents its direction (positive meaning right, negative meaning left). Each asteroid moves at the…
[抄题]: We are given an array asteroids of integers representing asteroids in a row. For each asteroid, the absolute value represents its size, and the sign represents its direction (positive meaning right, negative meaning left). Each asteroid moves a…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 栈 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/asteroid-collision/description/ 题目描述 We are given an array asteroids of integers representing asteroids in a row. For each asteroid, the…
行星碰撞. 题意是给一个数组 asteroids,表示在同一行的行星.对于数组中的每一个元素,其绝对值表示行星的大小,正负表示行星的移动方向(正表示向右移动,负表示向左移动).每一颗行星以相同的速度移动.找出碰撞后剩下的所有行星. 碰撞规则:两个行星相互碰撞,较小的行星会爆炸.如果两颗行星大小相同,则两颗行星都会爆炸.两颗移动方向相同的行星,永远不会发生碰撞.例子, Example 1: Input: asteroids = [5, 10, -5] Output: [5, 10] Explana…
We are given an array asteroids of integers representing asteroids in a row. For each asteroid, the absolute value represents its size, and the sign represents its direction (positive meaning right, negative meaning left). Each asteroid moves at the…
We are given an array asteroids of integers representing asteroids in a row. For each asteroid, the absolute value represents its size, and the sign represents its direction (positive meaning right, negative meaning left). Each asteroid moves at the…
We are given an array asteroids of integers representing asteroids in a row. For each asteroid, the absolute value represents its size, and the sign represents its direction (positive meaning right, negative meaning left). Each asteroid moves at the…
2018-08-07 11:12:01 问题描述: 问题求解: 使用一个链表模拟栈,最后的状态一定是左侧全部是负值,表示的是向左飞行,右侧的全部是正值,表示的是向右飞行. 遍历整个数组,对于每个读到的数字,如果是正值则直接加入链表中,如果是负值,则需要判断链表中末尾的数字如果也是负值,则表示目前链表中全部向左飞行,则加入,如果说此时链表中最后的数字为正值,则表示会相撞,需要进行比较判断. 这个题目的解法也给出了如果将Colleaction转化为int[],可以使用colleaction.stre…
突然很想刷刷题,LeetCode是一个不错的选择,忽略了输入输出,更好的突出了算法,省去了不少时间. dalao们发现了任何错误,或是代码无法通过,或是有更好的解法,或是有任何疑问和建议的话,可以在对应的随笔下面评论区留言,我会及时处理,在此谢过了. 过程或许会很漫长,也很痛苦,慢慢来吧. 编号 题名 过题率 难度 1 Two Sum 0.376 Easy 2 Add Two Numbers 0.285 Medium 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating C…
堆栈基础 堆栈(stack)具有“后进先出”的特性,利用这个特性我们可以用堆栈来解决这样一类问题:后续的输入会影响到前面的阶段性结果.线性地遍历输入并用stack处理,这类问题较简单,求解时间复杂度一般为O(n). 相关LeetCode题: 13. Roman to Integer  题解 20. Valid Parentheses  题解 844. Backspace String Compare  题解 1047. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In Stri…