Stack Machine Executor 题目链接: Description Input The input contains several instances. Each instance consists of two lines, the first lin…
time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Polycarp loves ciphers. He has invented his own cipher called Right-Left. Right-Left cipher is used for strings. To encrypt the string s=s1s2…
In cryptography, a Caesar cipher, also known as the shift cipher, is one of the most straightforward and most widely known encryption techniques.It is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fi…
Parentheses 题目链接: Description Input The first line contains an integer T ≤ 10 indicating the number of test cases. The first…
Book Borders 题目链接: Description A book is being typeset using a fixed width font and a simple greedy algorithm to fill each line. The book contents is just a sequence of words, where each word con…
维吉尼亚的加解密有两种方法. 第一种是查表:第一行为明文,第一列为密钥,剩余的为对应的密文 第二种方法是转化计算法:逐个将字符转化为从零开始的数字,对数字进行加密/解密后,再转化为字符. 本文要用c++实现第二种方法,并且为了操作方便,使用了MFC框架(附工程下载) 核心代码如下: //cipher.h 额外添加的文件,用来放置相关算法,此文件独立于MFC外,可直接移植到支持CString的项目中 int* CStringToInt(CString str){ //将CString转换为zero…
最近有个朋友问我关于维吉利亚密码如何用python实现加密,研究之后发现这是个挺好玩的东西,遂决定写篇博文记录一下. 一.何谓维吉利亚密码 第一列是密钥字母列,第一行是明文字母行.不难看出维吉利亚密码是基于凯撒加密进一步的延伸,使用了密钥的概念来对抗字频统计. 维吉尼亚密码引入了"密钥"的概念,即根据密钥来决定用哪一行的密表来进行替换,以此来对抗字频统计.假如以上面第一行代表明文字母,左面第一列代表密钥字母,对如下明文加密: TO BE OR NOT TO BE THAT IS THE…
Vigenère密码(文件名vigenere.cpp    vigenere.out) 题目描述 Description 16 世纪法国外交家Blaise de Vigenère设计了一种多表密码加密算法--Vigenère密码.Vigenère 密码的加密解密算法简单易用,且破译难度比较高,曾在美国南北战争中为南军所广泛使用. 在密码学中,我们称需要加密的信息为明文,用 M 表示:称加密后的信息为密文,用C 表示:而密钥是一种参数,是将明文转换为密文或将密文转换为明…
题意: 给定一篇文章, 文章中有段落, 段落中有句子. 句子只会以'!' , '.' , '?' 结尾, 求出每段中含有与他下面同样是该段落中相同单词数最多的句子, 注意, 单词忽略大小写, 重复的单词只算一个. 题目中关键段: A topic sentence for a paragraph is the single sentence in the paragraph that best describes the paragraph’s content. For our purposes,…
The Grille 题目链接: Description Input The input contains several test cases. Each test case contains description of a grille and a ciphert…